Page 53 of Sins that Define Us

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“There you are, sweet thing,” I murmur.

Ari sits halfway up, and he urges James’ thighs to close, and then he begins thrusting between them. James lets out a moan, and his cock throbs in my hand. He’s so close it’s a wonder he’s still holding on.

I open my mouth to command him, but Alice reaches over for James just as Phoenix me to thrust inside her, and she grips him by the hair, lifting his face so his gaze can meet hers. “Come, James. Come now.”

And he does.

His head bows, and he spills over my knuckles as I stroke him through it until I get lost in my own pleasure. Phoenix changes angles, nailing my prostate, and in that moment, all I can think about is how full I am and how Alice is squeezing around me.

My eyes are closed once more, and I’m lost in the symphony of her soft cries, and Phoenix’s hard grunts, and Ari’s stuttered breath. A hand cards through my hair, and I know it belongs to my precious, silent lover. He holds me as he comes hard between James’ legs, and it’s that moment I allow myself to finally let go.

The orgasm blinds me. Everything goes white, even though my eyes are shut. It’s like a camera flash, which steals my consciousness for half a minute, and when I come to, I’m lying with my face between Alice’s breasts, her hand in my hair stroking gently, Phoenix still buried in my ass.

I can feel my come dripping out of Alice as my softening cock slips free, and Phoenix takes the opportunity to lift me by the hips and finish himself off with four hard thrusts. He fills me, making my entire body shudder, his kisses raining down along the back of my neck.

I’m so fucking in love, I’m not sure I know what to do with it. It’s not in my nature to feel this deeply, to feel this much, but there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I roll to the side, and Alice tucks my stump between her legs with a tenderness I can barely handle, and then Phoenix wraps around me from behind.

Someone—Ari, most likely—has wet wipes, and he begins the task of cleaning us all up. I open my eyes just in time to see him lean in, and I take the kiss he offers, a nip to my bottom lip before he pulls back. I watch him trace a line of kisses along the back of James’ stump, which is stretched out as far as it can go over Alice, and then I look at her.

Her eyes are open and a little dazed, and the smallest smile is playing at her lips. She fits in the like the piece of the puzzle we had no idea we were missing. We were fine without her, but now, trying to imagine a life without her feels like imagining tearing my own heart out.

I’d die before I finished the task.

Reaching for her, I turn her head and lay a soft kiss on her lips. “Thank you,” I murmur.

She just laughs softly under her breath, shakes her head, and then nestles deeper into the grasp of four men who would absolutely die for her.

Chapter 16


The air iscool against my skin, which is still humming from everything I’ve just experienced. Sex with them has always been wild, but adding Kane to the mix, I understand now their addiction to him. His raw power is intense, and with his attention solely on me, it was almost too much to bear.

And yet, I feel like I haven’t had enough.

They’re all in various states of dozing, and no one protested when I got up and walked downstairs to the terrace doors. We’re secluded and comfortable, and for the moment, there’s no threat. I can smell the ocean on the air—sort of light and briny—and it invigorates me. This feels like paradise, and I know it won’t last, but for the moment, it’s everything.

The robe Kane had left on the chair was obviously for me. I snagged it before I slipped out the door, and it’s silky and soft. It’s very much like something he would have thought to do, and I wonder how I could have ever doubted him.

The thought is absurd, of course. He’s made no secret about how he feels and how far he’s willing to go, and what he’s willing to sacrifice. I believe wholeheartedly he would sooner die than ever see me come to harm, but he will always look at me as a piece on his chessboard.

It doesn’t hurt only because that’s what we all are to him.

And he loves us.

He’d give up the game if only one of us asked, but then again, none of us ever will.

With a smile, I walk to the edge of the porch and lean my arms on the railing, closing my eyes. The woods beyond is alive and awake. Dawn is only just cresting over the horizon, but I can hear the crackle of the forest floor as animals traipse through.

There’s something heavy—a buck, maybe? It’s walking like it doesn’t have a care in the world, and I understand it for just a brief moment.

“I didn’t think you’d make it this easy for me.”

It takes me a second to register the voice doesn’t belong to any of my men. But before I can look over, something cracks against the back of my skull, and everything goes dark.

I truly thoughtmy days of waking up in a strange underground room were over. Foolish of me, I suppose, now being the wife of Kane Walsh, but I’ve only been his wife for a few hours, so it’s a little fucking ridiculous.

Pardon my attitude.

Tags: E.M. Lindsey Romance