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That was a good question. What did he have to gain? He wasn't an abuser. He'd never tried to keep her from friends and family before, but she still couldn't figure out why he'd say something like that, because Fawn wouldn't try to rip her off and scam her... that also didn't make sense.

Kaitlyn shook her head, refusing to believe him. “She wouldn't do that. We're friends. She loves me and I love her.”

His hands gently squeezed her shoulders and he continued studying her, his gaze darting back and forth between her eyes as if silently pleading with her to believe him. “Think about everything you know about Fawn. Does she love you more than she loves money?”

That question hit like a slap to the face and Kaitlyn stumbled back a step. Anger pierced through her belly, and she pushed him away. She couldn't face him, couldn't face this ugly idea, couldn't face that. Maybe she'd so badly misjudged someone.

She shook her head in denial. “It doesn't make sense. I didn't tell anyone about the money, about my savings account. Nobody knew. So how would she know to scam me?”

“If you honestly want to know, we can find all that information. I have a private investigator who's been searching for her and he found her. That’s how I know all of this.” Carter's hands were out slightly, as if he was trying to calm a wild animal he'd backed into a corner.

Kaitlyn felt like a wild animal, but she wasn't about to launch an attack. She might faint, but she wasn't about to break out her claws.

Finally, the tears she'd been holding back started to roll down her cheeks. She pawed at them, frustrated and annoyed. She'd never been a crier before and she hated that this seemed to be her body's new way of handling every situation that was even mildly uncomfortable, strange, or different.

Kaitlyn watched him take several steps closer to her. As he stepped in close, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a gentle hug.

“I'm sorry, I can't even imagine how I'd feel if this was somebody I knew or cared about. What she's doing to you is wrong and it's not your fault.”

She inhaled his comforting scent and leaned into his warmth. As much as she wanted to relax, there was no way that that was even possible. Not with what he just told her, not with the doubt ricocheting through her, not with the fear leaving her wondering what was going to happen next.

Had Fawn scammed her? Had her best friend tricked her and stolen money from her?

Kaitlyn still couldn't wrap her head around how Fawn had found out about her savings.

She'd been so careful; she hadn't told anyone. She had been very, very secretive about her savings because she didn't trust anyone.

But even not trusting anyone, Kaitlyn couldn’t imagine her best friend pulling off a fake kidnapping to scam her out of money. Who did that? Who was even capable of that level of evil? Surely not Fawn.

Feeling completely out of her depth, Kaitlyn dropped down on the couch, feeling as if the floor and the world was falling out from underneath her.

Had she really wasted her savings? All that money she’d worked so hard to earn and save for her future? How was it even possible she’d been so blind? Her whole body ached and a lump formed in her throat, thick and painful; she was afraid it would choke her.

The tears continued to stream down her face and left dark dots on her pants. Planting her elbows on her knees, she put her head in her hands and stared at the beautiful hardwood floor between her feet.

In that moment, she wondered what else could possibly go wrong in her life. Not only did she have to deal with the uncertainty of a friend possibly betraying her in the worst possible way, but the secret that she was keeping from Carter was definitely having an effect on her mind, body, and soul.

The couch shifted as Carter sat down beside her, once more enveloping her in his warmth, scent, and comfort. “I’m right here,” he whispered.

More than anything, she wanted to trust him, confide in him and tell him the truth. The burden of her secret coupled with the pain of the news that her best friend might have cooked up an elaborate scheme to steal all of her money left her drained and exhausted.

Carter pressed his lips to her forehead, but she gently pushed him away. As much as she wanted his comfort in the moment, she also didn't know how to handle everything else that was nagging at her. He'd probably hate her once he learned that she was also betraying him.

And the more time that passed, the harder it was to justify not telling him.

“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay.” He released her from the hug, but didn’t let her go as she tried to avoid him. Carter’s worried tone filled her ears. “I wish you’d tell me what’s on your mind. I’m sorry for adding more pain and stress, but you deserve to know the truth.”

His final words hit her like a punch to the gut and she winced.

He deserved to know the truth, too.

But in the midst of all these issues, how could she possibly tell him that she was carrying his baby?



“I thinkI need to take a shower.”

Tags: J.M. Grant Romance