Page 49 of Bonded By Thorns

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Mymindraceswithideas. Of course, it all makes sense now. I have to find Farron and run this theory by him. He said he was in the Summer Wing, putting Dayton to bed. He should be about done with that drunk idiot by now.

I’ve heard so many rumors about Dayton and his exploits. I know he’s basically the fae version of a man-whore. But to see that girl in his arms, in my home…

My home?

What the hell is wrong with me? This is not my home. My home is Orca Cove. My home is the messy little house I share with Papa. My home is… with Lucas.

But something about that feels so wrong. I’ve been here a month now and I’ve found my routine. Being greeted by Astrid every morning. Choosing clothes and hairstyles with Marigold. Spending my days in the library with Farron. Even eating with the princes. As terrifying as they are, I’m learning their little quirks. Like how Dayton and Farron have heated arguments on which realm has the best food. Or how I always catch Ezryn pocketing muffins under the table—I assume he eats them alone, but it’s like he doesn’t want anyone to know he likes the chocolate ones best. And every once in a while, I catch Keldarion smirking at something one of the other’s has done. It’s always gone in an instant, but that one glimpse makes my insides feel lit up like a Christmas tree.

At the thought of Keldarion, my body swells with the feeling of how he’d held me.Held me? No, he was only making sure I didn’t fall to the floor. I have to get my head on straight. This is not my home.

I have a job to do.

And that means I need to let Farron know what I found right away.

I rush into the Summer Wing, sprinting down the hallway with the walls that shimmer like an underwater grotto. Even the smell here is different: like salt and sand and tropical fruit. The ceiling is painted with a mesmerizing mural of seabirds flitting through the sky, and even the doorhandles are made from shells. As with every other area of the castle, the black thorns cut through stone and glass, strangling the walls and floor.

Where is Farron? He must have put Dayton to bed by now.

I turn a corner and rush toward the biggest door: a turquoise blue wood with a shell-encrusted frame. Dayton’s chambers. The door is ajar, and I creep in, peering through the dark to catch sight of Farron.

I’ve never been in any of the princes’ chambers, but as I imagined, it’s massive. I bet it’s bigger than my entire house. The main room is dark, the dusky light outside mostly blocked by enormous floor-to-ceiling curtains. But a corner of the chamber is lit by tall torches. I creep into the room and peek around the corner.

My mouth dries up and my stomach clenches like a bear trap. I blink, not sure if what I’m seeing is real or some sort of mirage.

I found Farron.

But he’s not alone.

He’s with Dayton.

Quickly, I pull myself back around the corner, so I’m shielded from view. My heart beats a million miles per hour. I need to leave. This is such an invasion of privacy. I can creep back out the door…

But I can’t help myself. It’s like every fiber of my being is pulling me back to peer around the corner. Just one more look…

No, it isn’t a mirage. Dayton lies on the bed, bathed in the orange torchlight. His long, golden hair falls around his head like a halo, and he’s got the cockiest grin I’ve ever seen on his face.

And he’s fucking naked.

His body’s strewn out like a goddamn Greek god. His muscular chest glistens, and his hand stretches down to grip the base of his cock.

Fuck. Dayton’s hands must be massive to reach all the way around that monster. His cock stands at attention, his hand rhythmically coasting over the hard flesh. The tip shimmers with a pearl of pre-cum, and I swallow, my mouth suddenly salivating.

But it’s the sight on top of him that has my heart damn near bursting out of my chest. Farron leans over him, his long, toned body as naked as Dayton’s.

I’d seen a glimpse of Dayton’s body in the hot springs. But I’ve never seen Farron like this, without his glasses and his waist coat and his tailed jacket.

I’d be lying to myself if I said I’d never thought about it. How could I not? Every day we’d spent together, I’d gotten to know Farron outside of the rabid wolf who tried to kill me. He is kind and funny and awkwardly charming. And that gorgeous face… How could I not imagine what he was hiding under all those fancy clothes?

And his body is every bit as scrumptious as Dayton’s.

Where Dayton is wide and buff, Farron is lean. His back ripples with muscles, and I trail my gaze down his spine to his perky ass…

No, no, no. I’m being a creep. I need to leave—

Tags: Elizabeth Helen Fantasy