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“Eww. No, not Collin. I know he’s easy on the eyes, but girl, he’s my brother. Why? Has something happened? I swear if you’re holding out on me—”

“Sally, I’m not. I promise. There is one thing, though. I’ve debated telling you, but you’re my best friend, and if it happened with any other guy—”

“Spill it, sister.”

“The other night, I went to kiss Collin on the cheek, and somehow my lips landed on his. It wasn’t anything sexual, but… and I hate to say this, because you’re you and he’s him, but despite how awkward it was, I felt it all over my body.”

“You did not just say that.” There was a pause, and then Sally said, “You like my brother? Still? He’s old!”

“I most certainly am not,” I quietly whispered to no one but myself.

“He’s not that old.”

Thank you, Charlie.

“My dad is twelve years older than my mom. Anyway, he hasn’t mentioned it. And I know you don’t want to hear this, but I’m sure he’s experienced, too, and Sophie, one of the girls I’m going out with tonight, actually thought I was one of his hookups when she saw me for the first time.”

“You’re kidding. Ugh.”

“Yeah. So my little unintentional peck is nothing. I’m sure I’m cramping his style, and if it weren’t for me, there would be other women occupying his time.”

“I love my brother, but you might be too good for him.”

My chest deflated, and at that moment, the floorboard beneath my foot decided to let out a little creak. Charlie’s door flew open. She had her cell phone in her hand, and with wide eyes she said into the speaker, “Sal, I’ll call you back.”

“I didn’t mean to interrupt.” My gaze took in the white robe barely covering the tops of her thighs, and when I rolled my eyes upward, I couldn’t help but stare. There were all these brown and tan lines from her hairline, down to her chin, and every place in between. “What the hell is all over your face?”

Her hand went to her cheek, smearing a bit of the lighter color into the darker one. “Oh, shoot. I was contouring when Sally called.”


“You know, contouring,” she said once more, as though it would explain everything.

I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. But rather than get clarification on something I really didn’t care to know anything about, I merely asked, “Why?”

“So I look good for tonight. I saw this video about it. I’m just so plain.”

Was she kidding? Plain? My voice sounded before my brain told it not to. “You’re beautiful, Charlie. There’s no need for all of that”—I aimed my pointer finger toward her and waved it around—“stuff.” Her nose crinkled, and so did the two dark lines running down it. “Your skin is cracking.”

“Ugh!” She tossed her hands in the air, spun around, and darted toward the bathroom. She turned on the faucet and grabbed a cloth from the linen closet next to her before wetting it. Charlie scrubbed her face. “What a waste of time.”

I should have walked out, but instead I moved toward the doorway and leaned on the jamb. The white sink was a gross shade of brown, as the remnants of the goop swirled down the drain. She glanced up and saw my reflection in the mirror. “Was there something else?”

“Yeah, about that conversation you had with my sister.”

Her jaw dropped. “Oh God. How much did you hear?”


I wasn’t sure if it was the scrubbing or embarrassment that turned her cheeks crimson. Then she let out a long breath. “Well, it wasn’t for your ears. And a bit rude of you to eavesdrop.”

“It wasn’t intentional. Next time close the door.”

She dropped the washcloth into the sink, turned, and looked at me.

“Why are you acting like this?” I asked.

“Why areyouacting like this? Just think, I’ll be out tonight, and you can have one of your women over.”

Tags: Carina Rose Romance