Page 17 of Clubs

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Disgust floods my vision.He does know my father. “Who the fuck are you?” I ask again.This is an act of war. He doesn’t even realize what he’s doing right now.

A wave of nausea hits me when the tip of his finger lifts my chin up so I’m forced to look him directly in the eye.

“I’m your worst fucking nightmare,Koldunya.”



Present day ...

She hides her fear well, but not well enough. I know every pretty thought that runs through her mind. The way she breathes—it’s not stable. The way her eyes roam the room instead of looking me in the eye. She wears her thoughts on her face as clear as day

I used to be exactly like her. She even steals like I used to.

I never thought my father’s passing would bring such good luck. She fell right into my arms, right where she belongs.

Sitting at the large table on the middle deck, I look up at Mia. “Is she up?” I ask.

Mia never looks me in the eye. I’ve never done anything to her, but she’s always feared me. “She is, sir. She’s getting ready in the dress you told me to lay out for her.” She blinks rapidly.

“Good. I expect her in five.”

Leaning back in the white padded chair, I readjust myself. This isn’t exactly what I had in mind, but the property my father bought before he passed wasn’t far enough. I want to make sure the Romanos have no clue where she is. I prefer the cold in Russia over the direct sun constantly burning my skin, but there are pros and cons to every situation, I suppose.

Adrian sits across from me, Dimitri right next to him, and Lev at my side. They stay quiet, staring at the white plates in front of them while patiently waiting to eat.

Waves crash against the sides of the boat, and the warm wind gently blows the leaves of the plant in the center of the table.

“They’re looking for her,” Lev speaks up, breaking my moment of peace.

“I’d be shocked if they weren’t. Do they know you’re working with me?” I ask.

“No. I’m not going back either. I’m with you.”

I give him a strange look. He phrased that in a way that’s off-putting.

I had Lev sort out a lot of the transactions with the men who work for me. This was my way of getting Sloane. If I were the one to go out and get her, there would’ve been a bright spotlight on me.

“Yeah, well, it’s not like you have much of a choice, Lev.” I reach for the juice and pour myself a glass.

All my life I’ve known exactly where Sloane was. Everyone in the Bratva did. When Kirill told Giovanni Genovese he had a sister, everyone was ready to kill my brother themselves. The alliances we had with other families were torn when they found out about Sloane’s father’s infidelity. A cheating woman is a dead one.

We all agreed to keep our mouths shut about the truth as it could work in our favor in the future. If Sloane were never born, there was a chance we could all get passed the issue, but Kirill had other plans in mind. It was a premature move on his part. It was supposed to remain a secret, but I understand why he played that as his last card. He stirred up so much shit with another family there was no going back at that point.

My father allowed me to become more involved once I turned eighteen. Growing up with the Bratva, Sloane was known as the witch. People talked about her all over as if she were a myth, never seen before. They said her looks alone would leave you questioning what was real. Some of the men would volunteer to handle business with Ludis on the off chance they could see Sloane with their own eyes—to put the myth to rest.

The few who have seen her agree with the tale. Now that I’ve seen her, I’m finally able to form my own opinion on the matter. I believe it in a sense. She is beautiful, but I’m seeing reality just fine.

“She’s a pretty little thing—Sloane,” Adrian says as if he can hear my thoughts.

I scowl at him, suddenly nervous he’ll believe in the stupid myth. If Sloane is able to manipulate my men, I may as well call my efforts a loss. “She is. You put a fucking hand on her, and your thumbs will be missing.”

“And who says she’s yours?”

“I do. And if I need to repeat myself one more time, your tongue will be missing as well.”

Dimitri covers his laugh as he reaches for a slice of toast.

Tags: Kyra Irene Romance