Page 14 of Clubs

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My eyes flutter open, and I kick the soft cushions off me. I push myself up, resting my weight on my arms.

My head throbs with pain. My body begs to lie back down, but my mind is running a marathon.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I mutter to myself as I remember what happened.He fucking drugged me, and for what?All he had to do was ask for the stupid chain back and I would have given it to him. Leave it to the sarcastic, shrewd asshole to drug me and drop me off God knows where.

I pull my arms and legs from the ropes, but it’s useless. My face scrunches together in frustration. Whoever tied these knots must’ve been a boy scout—they’re so tight they’ll leave marks on my wrists.

“Great,” I mutter and fall back onto the bed.

My arms may be tied, but I can still move them, thank God.

My eyes open all the way as I glance across the room. My vision is blurry, and the moon casting small rays of light doesn’t help much. I can hardly see anything besides a bathroom to the right of the room. My body feels like it’s sweating out of every pore, and yet I’m shivering.

My pen.

I need my insulin pen.

Quickly, I bring my arm close to my core and start to pull at the knot. After several attempts, I get one arm out and then work on the other.

I need some water. I hate this feeling.

I lift my arm to reach into my bra, grabbing the pen and adjusting the unit before I shove it into my arm. I wait a couple of seconds before taking it out. Then I take in a deep breath and hide it in the cushions.

I’ll be all right for twenty days if I can take the units accurately. I have to. The last thing I need is for them to use this against me in a sick way.

Once I get my other hand free, I push myself off the large bed. Holding my hands in front of me, I trace the outline of the room. My balance seems off. It could have been from the shit they injected into me, or the poor structure of the building I’m in.

“She’s up.” A deep voice comes from the corner of the room, where a large figure leans against the doorframe.

I jump at first, but then I grow curious.How did I not notice the door opening?My chin lifts quickly as I try to scan the man’s face. He walks up to the side of the bed and flips on a light. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust, but as soon as I see him I want him to turn the lights back off.

He flashes me a cunning smile as he takes a seat on the ottoman, throwing one leg over the other. His hair is shaved, revealing a deep scar in the center of his skull. This is Lev, if I remember correctly. He’s the one who drugged me. His face is on the longer side, and so is his nose. He stares at me, and I do the same, both of us challenging one another. Lev swirls a dark scotch in his hand.

I watch his demanding expression become curious. The thick hair above his eyes looks like two caterpillars inching toward each other on his broad forehead. Nothing about his appearance is welcoming.

“Why am I here?” I ask even though I know I won’t get an answer.

He looks down and smiles.

God, what a dick. He probably gets off on this.

“Take a wild guess,” he says after a pause.

My face falls flat. “Hmm ... You can’t get a woman, so you’ve kidnapped one.” I’ve never felt my body lock up with rage like this.

His tongue rolls over his teeth as he makes his way over to me. “You’re lucky you’re not mine to touch.” A low chuckle escapes his chest.

“Yes. I’m so lucky.” I smile at him, drawing out my response.

“You should get more sleep. You may need it.” He smirks.

I cringe. It doesn’t take a genius to comprehend the meaning behind his words. Ruslan was right: men are fucking pigs.

“He’ll be here soon. Care to pass the time?” He gets up and looks me up and down. He smells like alcohol mixed with a hint of chlorine—a smell I definitely don’t like. The chlorine most likely killed the last few brain cells he has, which is why he doesn’t understand what common decency is.

Just as I’m about to respond to him, the door swings open, and my head darts to the man who walks in.

Tags: Kyra Irene Romance