Page 13 of One Night Wager

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“Of you or of fate? Fate already gave me the finger and I told it to fuck the hell off.”

He looked like he could handle anything life threw at him. Not just because of his size and the way he stood, as if it would take a bulldozer to move him. But also because of the confidence he exuded. Nothing seemed to faze him.

“That’s an interesting thought. I guess surviving a car accident like yours would make me feel that way too.”

He shrugged. “I hope you can take next weekend off because that’s the one I’m claiming.”

“That will work for me when I win. Glad you’re available.”

“Still confident after you tried my sourdough?”

“It takes more than a tasty morsel to rattle me.”

“Does it?” he asked, leaning closer to her.

She shifted closer, her head tiping back and her eyes starting to close before she realized what she was doing. She stepped back then realized what she was doing. And stood her ground, her gaze meeting his. An electric spark seemed to arc between them, and the hair on her arms stood up. She was transfixed by the look in his eyes and the memories of watching his mouth move as he’d tried her biscuit. Kissing him was a foregone conclusion.

He was the first man she’d met since college who had distracted her. Or maybe it was because he was so closely tied to her future plans for Gilbert Corners that she wanted him. But no, she knew it was that mouth. And those broad shoulders and the tattoos that covered his body.

Conrad Gilbert was temptation incarnate, and no matter the outcome of today’s cook-off, she knew that breaking the curse was no longer the reason why she was interested in him.

It was carnal. She’d never thought about lust at first sight. She’d always prided herself on liking men for their humor and their intellect, but Conrad had those as well. It wasn’t like he was just a hottie; there was so much more to him. Which was a big red flag.

One of the reasons she’d left Lansdowne was that she didn’t want to be her mother. The woman who had fallen head over heels in love and then stopped pursuing her own dreams.

And yes, this was a new century, and there was no reason she had to do that. But Indy knew that when she fell for a guy, she tended to start putting herself second, and she wasn’t going to do that again.

Not even to break a curse.

“We’re ready for you two now,” Ophelia said.

Indy took a deep breath and followed Conrad out into the open in front of the judging table.

“May the best chef win,” Ophelia said.

Indy realized she was holding her breath as they waited to hear the results. The plates were taken up to the judges for tasting.

Conrad was announced the winner, and Indy wasn’t exactly surprised, though she was a bit disappointed. She had a moment to herself while the eyes of the town were on them, and without thinking, she turned to him with a huge grin.

“Congratulations! I’m sure all of Gilbert Corners is excited that you’ll be coming back next weekend to help with the spring renewal project.”

She saw the shock on his face, knew there would be a price to pay for her boldness. He could deny it in front of everyone, and there was a moment when their eyes met and she was pretty sure he would.

“That’s right. I’ll be helping with the spring renewal, and then taking Ms. Belmont away to my lair.”


His lair.

She’d be lying if she said those words hadn’t been on her mind since he’d issued them. He had been a good sport. The incoming storm had necessitated everyone leaving quickly, including Conrad, who just gave her a hard look and told her he’d be in touch.

What had she been thinking? She’d asked herself that question several times, but the answer was still the same. She’d felt backed into a corner so her impulsiveness had kicked in.

He hadn’t been in touch despite saying he would be, and she wasn’t entirely sure he’d show up today for the park renewal project she volunteered him for.

So she was the first one in the park with her garden gloves and weeder. If he didn’t show up, she was planning to say he’d been here earlier and had to leave.

She groaned at the thought. It was like her dad always said, once a lie is started it can only be kept alive with more lies.

Tags: Katherine Garbera Billionaire Romance