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“Who me?” he asks, pointing to himself with the most innocent look on his face.

“Yeah, you.” I smirk, poking his deliciously defined abdominal muscles. “Pulling all those shenanigans you pulled to get me here.”

“Well, you never would have come if I hadn’t,” he replies. “And then you never would have come.”

“Hey!” I snap, pointing a silly finger in his face. “Bad jokes like that are my thing, not yours.”

He chuckles and pulls me under the covers with him, tossing my towel aside. I’m now completely naked with him beside his glorious muscled body, and there’s nowhere else in the world I’d rather be.

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” I reply. “But my friend Sara is going to kill me when she hears about this.”



“I cannot thank you enough for doing this shoot with me, Mike. You are the best photographer in New York, and if you ever want to meet up sometime and grab a drink or a coffee or anything, just let me know, okay?”

Cara French, the girl I’m shooting today, smiles at me with those eyes, letting me know that if I was to meet up with her it would totally not be for a drink or a coffee – it would be for anything.

“Well, let’s have a great shoot today, Cara,” I smile. “I’m just trying to figure out where my assistant is…”

I glance around the studio and then check my phone to see if I have a text from Ivy updating me on her situation. The last one I got was ten minutes ago from her letting me know she was going to be a little late due to her Uber driver not knowing what he was doing, apparently, but I haven’t gotten one since, and that’s not like her.

“That’s totally fine,” Cara says, putting her hand on my shoulder. “I could use a few extra minutes to get my hair ready.”

“Yeah? It looks fine to me.”

“Trust me,” Carlos, her hair and makeup guy for the day, chimes in. “With another fifteen minutes, I’ll have her looking like an absolute goddess!”

Just then, the door to the studio bursts open, and Ivy, looking like she’s ready to kill someone, comes marching in. “Sorry, everyone!” she calls out. “My Uber driver apparently has never driven in New York City before.”

“No problem!” Carlos replies. He’s a friendly guy, thankfully. Most hair and makeup guys annoy the hell out of me.

“Where in the world have you been?” I call out, marching right over to her. I can see the look of surprise in her eyes, but as I take her by the wrist, I lean in and whisper, “Come on, young lady. Let me see you in the back room.”

I make sure she understands by the look in my eyes that she’s not being taken out back for a scolding—at least not the kind that the rest of the people in the studio today think she will be getting.

Ivy purses her lips and tries not to let on. She nods and replies, “Yes, Mr. Barrett.”

I release her and walk quickly to the small room in the back where we normally store extra gear. She dutifully follows behind me, and once we’re both inside, I close the door, snatch her by the waist, and slide a hand up her shirt.

“I’m sorry I was late,” she whispers as I cup her breast. She’s not wearing a bra today—something I assume she did for my benefit.

“I’m not.” I smile, bringing my lips so close they nearly touch hers. “Now I get to punish you.”

“Punish me?” she mews. “With these people here?”

I smirk and slip my other hand down between her legs. She’s wearing button pants today, which I easily undo with my fingers. And like above, she’s wearing nothing beneath. No panties. Nothing.

The feel of her bare skin has my cock instantly hard.

“You know Cara? Today’s model? She basically offered herself to me before you showed up.”

“Did she now?” I can hear the possessive intrigue in Ivy’s voice as she reaches back and grabs my bulge through my pants. “And what did you tell her?”

“Oh, I told her to meet me after work,” I tease. Ivy gawks and slaps at me with both hands, which I quickly snatch and pin over her head against the wall with a single hand. Her eyes light up as I grab her pants with the other one and tug them down, exposing her bare little pussy.

“I told her I’d give her some of this big, hard, swollen cock that she wants so badly.” I unzip my pants and pull out my cock, which is pulsing with lust for her, and begin teasing her sopping wet slit with it, parting her little lips as I stare into her gorgeous eyes.

Ivy’s tongue is practically hanging out of her mouth as she listens to me talk—as I play with her and hold back giving her what I know she wants.

Tags: Jenna Rose Erotic