Page 68 of Wicked Heir

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I stopped so suddenly that she collided with my chest and would have gone sprawling if not for my hand snagging her wrist.

I forced my dark eyes to be mocking and empty. Tonight, it was easy. The conversation with Viktor made it easy. “The first time, I barely stopped myself from strangling you with my bare hands for leaving me.”

Her elegant throat bobbed as she swallowed. “Where were you tonight?”

“Out,” I said shortly.

I released her, moving to the bar by the window and pouring myself a drink. She couldn’t touch me right now, or I’d spill my guts. My mind was a million miles away, and if I weren’t careful, Mallory would see inside. She’d see my anxiety about keeping her safe and my torment at knowing that soon, I had to move against my father and risk everything in the process.

“Out where?” she asked, folding herself onto the couch and propping her head up to watch me.

I turned, leaning a hip against the bar, and narrowed my eyes at her. It was typical that the one night I needed space, Molly was desperate to talk.“Pravda. One of the clubs the bratva runs.”

“A club?” A look I couldn’t interpret crossed her features. “Why did you go there?”

Jealousy. It was jealousy. Fuck. I steadied myself and only just held myself back.My Molly being jealous over me was a heady feeling. She had no idea the depth of my obsession if she thought I was interested in even breathing the same air as another woman. Still, it gave me a chance to correct the power balance between us.

“Why does anyone go to a club? To drink and fuck,” I said curtly.

She whitened, swallowing that gut punch before rallying.“Is that why you went?”

She was struggling for nonchalance, but the bright, glittering look in her eyes betrayed her feelings. Standing, she rounded the couch and approached me. “What didyoudo there?”

My lips quirked. “Are you asking me if I fucked someone else tonight? Just ask, Molly, don’t be shy.”

“Well, did you?” Her color rose higher, staining her pretty cheeks with her fluster.

I sipped my drink and failed to answer. I leaned my head against the cabinet behind me and let her see the glassy exhaustion in my eyes. “Why do you care? Enjoy the break, Princess.”

It wasn’t an answer, and fuck knows, I hadn’t looked at another woman, but Molly didn’t know that.

She dashed away an angry tear, and a spear of pain jobbed my heart. She made it two steps before I grabbed her and spun her against my chest.

“Let me go! You’re a pig,” she accused, pushing at my chest.

“A pig you’re desperate for. Are you already wet for me, Molly?”

Molly, jealous and desperate for me, was everything I’d ever wanted, yet tonight, all I could do was destroy.

She wriggled out of my hold. I hauled her back before she took one whole step, clamping an arm around her middle to keep her hostage against my chest. I pressed my face into her hair, holding her immobile. “If you need fucking, Princess, just ask. I can always rise to the occasion for you.” I wanted her desperately, yet I knew I was too raw tonight. I’d break under her touch.

“I hate you,” she fumed, mad in a way she didn’t know how to cope with. She was livid, and I was sure if she’d had a knife in her hands, she’d have happily stabbed me.

“No, you don’t, and that’s the problem, isn’t it?” My voice whickered against her temple.

She stilled in my arms, and I held her immobile until her breathing calmed and her warmth sank through my cold chest, thawing me a little.

“I met my brother and Viktor at the club. We talked, they pissed me off, and I came here to get the third degree from you.” I didn’t plan on spilling my guts, but her hurt was a heavy, uncomfortable weight I couldn’t bear.

She turned in my arms, and I let her. Her expression softened, and it warmed me in a way I could become addicted to—if I weren’t already. I needed this. I needed her. Now I’d found her again, I was already in deep. I couldn’t push her away and pull her back at the same time—it was impossible.

My voice was quiet when I spoke. “You have no idea, Molly. I only see you. That should scare you more than it does.”

Finally, the pensive look in her eyes blew away like a storm cloud, leaving a sunny day behind. She smiled.

“Do you like that, Princess?” My voice was soft and slipped under her defenses.

She sighed. “I probably shouldn’t.”

Tags: Mila Kane Erotic