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Chapter Two


“Cami?” I rub my cheek. She threw a heavy fucking statue at me that could’ve easily given me a concussion if she had better aim.

She narrows her eyes and exhales a frustrated breath. “What the hell are you doing here, Eli?”

I look at the woman who’s haunted my dreams for ten years and notice she’s as painfully beautiful as I remember. The tabloid magazines never paint her in a positive light and always snap photos when she’s trying to escape or has partied too much, but I knew her before she had the snobby rich-girl reputation.

Cameron St. James is the epitome of perfection—gorgeous, smart, and an heiress.

Unfortunately, she knows it too.

A girl like her would never give a guy like me—lower class, wage-earning real estate agent—the time of the day. Though a decade ago, she looked at me like I hung the moon, and it ended as quickly as it started.

“I was about to ask you the same.” Closing the fridge door, I walk over to pick up the statue that miraculously didn’t shatter and set it on the island. My attention is quickly brought to Bruno who’s chasing the cat. “Bruno! Come.”

He immediately stops, rushes over, then sits in front of me and begs for a treat. He’s a one hundred pound Doberman who’s as tall as I am when he stands.

“Chanel!” Cami runs to her butt ass ugly hairless cat. She grabs her and holds it tightly. My eyes lower to her chest as her tank top slides down, nearly revealing everything.

Swallowing hard, I avert my gaze. “Uh, Cami…you might—”

“You need to leave,” she snaps before I can continue. “How’d you get in? The alarm is on and active.”

“Ryan said I could stay here,” I explain. Her brother is my best friend and gave me the keys and security codes. “Told me to make myself at home, but failed to mention you’d be here too.”

“I haven’t had the chance to talk to him yet,” she says. “But it doesn’t matter because you’re not staying.”

“Yes, I am,” I argue. We’re in the middle of a goddamn pandemic, and as New York City is the epicenter of it, it’s the last place I want to be right now. Not to mention, my three dumbass roommates aren’t taking it seriously and will be exposed any day now because they’re not abiding by the CDC guidelines and staying the fuck inside. All of them can work from home, but they are still going out like nothing has happened. “The cabin is plenty big enough for the both of us.”

“Chanel, stop,” she scolds. The hairless rat is trying to wiggle free from her grasp. Bruno just wants to play and keeping him away from Chanel will be difficult.

“Bruno, heel,” I command, but he’s not always the best listener. I swear he gets way too hyper around other people.

“Big or not, my boyfriend, Zane, is coming tomorrow.”

“Alright, so I’ll stay in my area, and you stay in yours. Problem solved.” I grab my duffel bag, then step around the gigantic kitchen island.

“Like hell it is! You can’t. I’m already here and made plans.” She pouts, and it’s stupidly adorable. Cami is used to getting her way, but she won’t this time. I’m not going anywhere.

“Watch me.” I flash her a toothy grin on my way toward the staircase. “I’m guessing you took the master?” I ask over my shoulder, then continue before she responds, “I’ll take one of the guest rooms on the second floor, so you won’t even know I’m here.”

“I doubt it,” she mutters.

Bruno walks behind me, and she squeals when he gets too close. “Don’t worry, he only bites entitled New York princesses.”


“It’s called having a sense of humor, Cami. Did you lose yours, or is it still up your ass along with that stick that’s been stuck there since we were teens?”

“You know, I could call the cops and have them remove you.”

“Good luck with that. We’re in a national lockdown, and they’re only responding to life or death calls, so in this case, they wouldn’t come to your rescue.” I throw her a wink, then take the steps two at a time with Bruno next to me. Of course, I’m agitating her on purpose, but if I know Cameron St. James as well as I think I do, she’s about to have a rich-girl tantrum.

“You better keep that stupid mutt away from my cat!” she screams as I reach the second floor. “Or I’ll feed him to the mountain lions!”

I snort, shaking my head at her dramatics. Bruno won’t hurt her naked cat, but he’ll have fun taunting them both in the process. And so will I.

Once I walk inside the spare room that Ryan typically uses when he stays here, I set my stuff on the bed and look around. It’s bigger than my entire apartment, and sadly, I’m not even exaggerating. There’s a bathroom down the hall, and the jet tub alone cost more than a year’s worth of my rent.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance