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“Why do they say love conquers all when, clearly, that’s not true?” Kaitlyn asked.

I was about to answer when I heard someone calling my name from downstairs.

“Do you hear that?” I sat up straight and strained to see if I could catch it again. Either my mind was playing tricks on me, or Chase was in my parents’ house.

“All I hear is the rumbling of your stomach. Want to grab a snack?”

The voice came again. It was him. He’d come for me. “Chase?”

The door to my room opened. He stood in the doorway, his eyes wide, his cheeks flushed. As soon as his gaze met mine, his shoulders sagged. “There you are.”

“Come here.” I held out my arms, and he rushed toward me. “What are you doing here?”

“I came back, and you were gone. I couldn’t figure out what happened. Things seemed so good between us when I left this morning.”

I wavered in the moment. I had two choices. Either tell him I meant what I said in the note I left him and send him away, knowing he’d have everything he’d worked for. Or tell him the truth, that my dad threatened me, and I didn’t want to be the reason he lost everything.

“Chase, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“Shh.” He put his finger to my lips. “I know, sweetheart. Jessie told me what happened. I love you, Whitley. Nothing in my life means a thing unless you’re there to share it with me. I can find other investors, other bulls, hell, another ranch. But I can’t find another you.”

Tears welled in my eyelids and overflowed down my cheeks. I loved this man so much. My entire life, people had bent over backwards to appease my dad. Chase was the only one who’d ever stood up to him, who’d ever put me first.

“Come home with me. If we can’t get your dad to see things our way, then we’ll start over. At least we’ll have each other. Oh, and your first rescue horse. Trigger’s owner decided she’s done all she can for him and wants to put him down. I know you’re sweet on him, so I figured he could be your first rescue horse. That is, if you’re up for it?”

My heart swelled with so much emotion. “You mean it?”

“I wouldn’t be telling you if I didn’t.” He held out his hand, and I got up off the bed and hopped over to him.

“I love you, Chase. You’re right. Nothing I have means anything without you. I’m yours. I’ve been yours since that first night on your porch.”

“Then let’s go home.”

I looked at Kaitlyn. Her eyes brimmed with unshed tears. She held out her arms to give me a hug. “You got the whole damn fairy tale, Whit. The horse, the prince, and the castle in the country you’ve always wanted.”

“You’ll come visit, won’t you?” I squeezed her tight.

“Of course. Maybe you’ll have a couple of good-looking ranch hands running around the place,” she mumbled into my ear.

Chase reached out to shake her hand. “Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of her.”

“I know you will.” She held my gaze and gave me a quick thumbs up with her free hand.

“We’ll take good care of each other.” I put my arm around Chase and let him lead me out of the house where I’d grown up. I couldn’t wait to get back to the house where I planned on spending the rest of my life.

With him.



It’samazing how a baby can bring a family back together, even one that had been ripped from seam to seam like Whitley’s. Her dad still blamed me for his daughter turning her back on the plans he’d made for her, but with the birth of six strong bull calves from Hunk of Burning Love’s line, he seemed like he was on the verge of forgiveness.

Throwing a party for the new bull calves was Whitley’s idea. She’d gone all out and decorated the back deck with blue and white crepe paper streamers. Even had Brownie bake up a cake, gluten-free, of course. She had that man wound around her little finger almost as tight as me.

If anything would get her dad to come around, it was the possibility of cashing in on one of his investments. With six strong bull calves, we were getting our breeding program off to a good start. I hoped with time, he’d see how much I loved his daughter and find a way to be happy for us.

At least my found family had come through with their support. Mama Mae had taken Whitley under her wing and taught her everything she needed to know about starting a country garden. The two of them were thick as thieves when they got together and somehow, I always ended up with several items added to my “honey-do” list after Mama Mae stopped by for a visit.

Tags: Eve London Romance