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Diesel shrugs as if he doesn’t agree. “Guess we’ll see, huh?”

I smile when he does, and it warms my entire body. Adam Hayes is someone I never knew I needed.

We talk and laugh all through our lunch. The food is delicious, no surprise there, but the company and scenery are even better. Once we’ve finished, he wraps me in his arms, and we lie on the blankets.

“You can see the stars out here for miles at night. It’s my favorite part of living on the ranch. You don’t get that in Houston,” I say as I wrap my arm over his chest and hold him close to me.

“There’s just something special about living out here, and I’d never want to be anywhere else.” His arm is around my shoulders, and he tightens his hold, sending warmth all down my body.

We continue talking and admiring the view for over an hour. Much longer than Diesel is allowed to take for his break, and after his phone starts going off, I know our time is over.

“Shit,” he hisses when he pulls it from his pocket and sees all his missed calls and texts.

“You’re gonna get in trouble,” I tease.

He leans in and presses his lips to mine. “It’ll be worth it.”

“You better go back.”

“But being here is so much better.” He turns so we’re face to face and lifts my chin. “I feel like I’m dreaming.”

“And what are you gonna tell them when they ask where you were?”

“Tell them to mind their damn business.” He flashes an evil grin. “Or that I had some hot chick in the back of my truck I was trying to seduce.”

“Oh God.” I groan. “Please don’t tell them that. I think Uncle Evan is already suspicious now.”

“Nah. If he mentions anything, just say he was sleep deprived and has no idea what he’s talking about.”

I snort, lifting myself on my elbows. “That’d go over well, I’m sure.”

I’m close to all my uncles, but Evan is the most protective over me. I spent a lot of time at Emily’s and his house hanging out with Elle. She’s over a year older than me, but we were close growing up until she left for college. We always stayed in touch, but between me moving to Houston and her demanding job, it doesn’t give us time to hang out as much.

Grabbing the cooler and blankets, we finally get into the truck and make our way back to the ranch. He manages to bring me back without anyone noticing.

“Thank you for lunch,” I tell him before he leaves. “I could get used to that kind of company.”

“You’re very welcome.” He lowers his eyes down my body, not even trying to hide his gawking anymore. “I could get used to the view.”

“At least you’re persistent,” I say, laughing. “As usual.”

“But now I can be even more so without you threatening to cut off my balls.” He wraps his arms around my waist and snuggles me against his chest.

“Don’t get cocky.” I pull his face down and cover his mouth with mine. His tongue slides between my lips, and soon, we’re panting for air as we battle with our desire for more. He slides his hands down to my ass, then back up to my neck where his fingers tangle in my hair. Every spot he touches burns with an intensity I hadn’t known existed. I want more of it, more of him, and I’ll take anything he’s willing to give.

“Okay, now you really need to go,” I say against his lips, neither of us moving. “Text me later, okay?”

“You workin’ till close?”

“Yep. But maybe bring Wyatt this time so it doesn’t look suspicious.” He doesn’t work on the ranch and has no idea we typically didn’t get along.

“Damn. I was hoping to have you all to myself.” He smirks.

“In a bar filled with drunks? Good luck.”

Diesel pats my ass one more time and presses a quick kiss to my lips before he takes off and runs to his truck. “Dammit, now you got my dick all worked up!” he yells from the window, and I see him adjusting his jeans.

“Sorry ’bout that!” I chuckle, waving him away.

It’s been a week since Diesel kissed me in the bar office, and it’s been the best seven days I’ve had in a long ass time. We sneak around to find time to hang out, even if it’s for thirty minutes or during my shift at work. He comes in every night and then stays late until I’m done. I know he’s tired as hell, so on our days off, I make him sleep in or tell him to take a nap so he doesn’t end up killing himself on the ranch equipment.

My adrenaline high crashes and burns the moment I wake up to a text from Nick the Asshole.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Circle B Ranch Erotic