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She returns to the bar moments later and tells Claire, one of the other bartenders, to start on some of their closing duties. There’s two hours left, but it’s been slow, which means she might actually be finished earlier than usual.

“I can start grabbing cases and restocking for you,” I tell her before finishing off my beer.

She rests her arms on the bar and leans close to me. “You should go home and sleep. Those bags under your eyes make you look old.”

“I hear chicks dig older guys.” I shrug.

“Really? What chicks are you referring to?” She makes a show of looking around at the near empty room. George is on the far end of the bar, and another couple are on the other side.

“The only chick I care about is right in front of me.” I smirk, knowing that’ll get me an eye roll because if I mention Trace, I might get slapped upside the head.

“Are you always a smooth talker, or do you just turn it on when it suits you?” she taunts.

“Oh, always. You were just too busy being a brat to notice.”

“A brat?” She scoffs, pulling back. “You constantly picked on me!”

My face splits into a knowing grin. “Because I liked your attention.”

I see the way her cheeks tint, and I crave more of it. Before I can open my mouth again, the door opens, and we both look.

“Uncle Evan,” Rowan says, surprised to see him here this late. We both are. I notice he’s still wearing scrubs too.

“Hey, kiddo.” He gives me a firm nod when our eyes meet. “Diesel.”

“What’s up, man? You’re comin’ in late.”

He takes a seat next to me. “Just getting off a thirty-six-hour shift.”

“Geez,” Rowan says. “Want a beer?”

“Yes, please, and an inventory report when you get the chance.”

“Sure thing.”

Evan and his wife, Emily, are both doctors and work in San Angelo an hour away, but he’s always found a way to stay involved as much as he can with his hectic schedule. John handled the bar between his duties at the B&B, but now that Rowan is back for good, they’re handing her the reins.

I’m proud of her because I know how hard she worked in school. She loves numbers and accounting, which is great for staying involved in their family businesses. Though we didn’t talk much when she was away, I always made it a point to see her when she was home for breaks. She was smart in high school too, and I had no doubt she’d make perfect grades in college.

“You’re here late,” Evan states when Rowan heads to the office. “Don’t you work in the morning?”

I nod, unsure how to approach this conversation. Most ranch hands don’t drink or party during the week, considering we have to be up early and work long hours, so he’d be suspicious no matter what I tell him.

“Yeah, but I thought I’d keep Rowan company since it’s a slow night,” I say, but he doesn’t look convinced. “Everyone else was busy,” I add.

“Hmm,” he says, then takes a long sip. Thankfully, Rowan returns with the reports he wanted, and his attention turns to the papers in front of him. “Thanks. I’ll bring these back in a day or two.” He stands, puts a ten on the counter, then says goodbye.

“Now you should really go home,” Rowan tells me once he leaves. “There’s no way he’s going to think you’re just keeping me company for no reason.”

I know she’s right, but I argue anyway. “Well, he already saw me, so what’s the point of leaving now?” I flash her an arrogant smirk.

“Then go home and sleep so you don’t break your neck for real by being too exhausted tomorrow. If something happens to you, I’ll have to find someone else to annoy me at work all night.”

“Aww…you worried about me, Row?”

She groans. “George keeps me plenty company, so go,” she urges, giving me a pointed look.

Claire returns, so I can’t be sneaky and kiss Rowan goodbye even though she’s not paying any attention to us. I take Rowan’s hand in mine and bring it to my mouth, pressing my lips to her knuckles. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Noon. Barn. Skirt and braids.” I flash her a wink before standing and pull my wallet from my back pocket.

I set down two twenties and tell her to keep the rest. I only had a few beers tonight, so I know she’s going to give me the death stare about over-tipping.

“Good night, Cowboy.” She slaps her hand over the money and drags it off the bar. “Sweet dreams.”

“Don’t you worry about that.” I waggle my brows, then reluctantly turn and walk away.

Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.

Chapter Eight


My heart hammers in my chest at the reality of what I’m doing.

What am I doing?

I never thought in a million years I’d be sneaking into the barn to meet up with Diesel. If we’d been friends, it wouldn’t look so suspicious, but everyone on the ranch knows I’d never give him the time of day.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Circle B Ranch Erotic