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“I’ve seen his dick enough to last me a lifetime. He’s my best friend, and roommate, and not a tad modest,” I admit. “It’s his prized jewel.”

Diesel shrugs, and Zoey snickers. Before we can continue our conversation, the other girls call Summer and Zoey over to where they’re sitting across the room.

“I guess we’ll see you two later then,” Summer says before turning to meet her friends. Zoey follows her, and they go to the buffet together. I can’t stop staring at her.

“You in love or somethin’?” Diesel finally asks, looking at me like I’ve grown a second head.

“Shut the hell up.” I scowl.

He stands and grabs the plate that actually has food left on it.

“Where ya goin’?” I ask, and all he does is look over his shoulder with a mischievous grin. I watch as he sits down at the table with the girls, loving all the attention he instantly receives. He waves me over, leaving an empty seat next to Zoey, making this way too easy.

Grabbing my plate, I sit down next to her, and I’m as nervous as a little boy around his first crush. For fuck’s sake, I’ve never had someone—a stranger—affect me in such a way.

One of the girls speaks up and grabs Diesel’s attention. “I’m Chelsea, by the way. You might not remember me, but you brought me on stage with you last night.” She gives him a seductive smile, and I can tell she wants him, but I’m pretty sure half the girls at the table would fuck him at this point.

“I’d never forget a pretty girl like you. Of course I remember,” he convincingly replies, but I know he was shit-faced and probably doesn’t.

“So why do they call you Diesel?” she asks. “And I want the truth.”

As if she set him up for a joke, he gives his canned response. “Because I’m big and loud like a diesel truck.”

Zoey giggles, and it’s the cutest fucking sound in the world.

“Is he always like this?” she asks, her eyes meeting mine, and I feel as if I’m falling into the abyss.

“For as long as I’ve known him,” I stammer.

“Are you always like this?” She tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear and blushes.

“Like what?” I look at her, confused.

“Adorably Southern,” she states.

“Absolutely,” I say without a doubt. A smile creeps across my lips, and I try to focus on my food, but I feel as if I’ve died and gone straight to heaven.

Maybe this cowboy hat is my good luck charm after all.

Chapter Four


I can’t believe the two guys from the strip club last night are eating breakfast with us. Admittedly, I only saw Riley from a distance, but I couldn’t stop watching him. And here he is. Better looking than I could’ve ever imagined.

As he sits next to me, my nerves are in overdrive. Our arms randomly touch, causing jolts of electricity to stream through me. I don’t know what it is about him, but I’m intrigued as hell. Maybe it’s a combination of the cowboy hat and Southern accent, but he’s also drop-dead gorgeous. Add in the deep voice, plump lips, and strong jaw…well damn, I’m a goner. Just by looking at his body, I can tell he works really hard. When he lifts his fork, I see calluses on his palms. I have so many questions, and I’ve never wanted to get to know someone as much as I do him right now.

I don’t notice a ring on his left hand, not that it would matter. Lots of men come to Vegas and cheat, but Riley doesn’t seem like the type. He might be around my age, maybe a tad older, but he acts mature or at least more so than his friend. Most of the guys my age back home are nothing but fuckboys who don’t know their ass from their elbow—not relationship material at all.

Last night, Riley seemed so mysterious drinking alone. In their Wranglers and boots, he and Diesel stuck out, so it was hard not to notice him. If Summer hadn’t been so determined to go to another club, I would’ve made my way over to him. Riley saw me too, and when our eyes met, it was as if time stood completely still. Everyone else focused on Diesel, but not me. There was something about the lonely cowboy, and I needed to know more.

After we finished barhopping last night, all I could think about was the hot guy from the strip club. What are the odds that we’d find each other again in this big ass city? Out of the two of them, I know Diesel’s the troublemaker, and as he entertains my sister and her friends, I take the opportunity to chat with Riley. Being this close to him is making my heart race with nerves. Not to mention, he smells so damn good—a mix of man, leather, and a hint of cologne. I want to bottle him up and then eat him for dessert.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Circle B Ranch Erotic