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When Presley stayed at the B&B to take photos for her Instagram business, she and Colton fell madly in love. She moved from LA to here, and the rest is history. They’re disgustingly cute together, and most of us aren’t as lucky to find what they have. I’m sure as hell not.

“You two should come down to the bakery sometime and let me make you some wedding cake samples,” Kat continues, holding a box of pastries in her hand.

“I’m sure she’d like that. Please tell me you have some of those pumpkin muffins I taste tested.” Colton gives her a grin, but the only thing I can focus on is her. She’s so damn beautiful it actually hurts to look at her. The memories of our night hit me in full force, and it feels like I was holding her in my arms only yesterday. There was a real spark between us, the attraction was undeniable, and I honestly thought she was different from every other woman out there. I thought she was special, but fuck was I wrong.

Remembering the soft moans that escaped her lips as I fucked and kissed her has my dick growing hard. I force the thoughts away, but it’s almost impossible while her sweet scent surrounds me.

Kat opens the box, and Colton snags a muffin.

I try to keep my comments to myself, but it’s too damn hard with how I feel right now. “Oh, is that some more of that gluten-free, sugar-free, taste-free organic crap you bake?”

The last time I saw her, I made crude comments about her healthy shit, and she wasn’t impressed. Good. All I want her to do is go away so her memory can stop taunting me.

Kat’s mouth transforms into a firm line. “Why are you so damn rude? They don’t teach y’all manners in Alabama?”

She has no right to talk about manners, considering hers are subpar.

“You can’t knock ’em till you try ’em,” Colton insists around a mouthful.

“Sounds disgusting. I’d rather not. I don’t like eating pumpkin-flavored cardboard.”

If looks could kill, I’d be dead right now, but I get way too much satisfaction from pushing her buttons.

“When will you learn that if I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it?” she asks between gritted teeth.

I shrug. “Just being honest, which I think is a good trait in a person. Something you wouldn’t know much about.”

She scoffs, and I watch her face flush with anger. “You’re an asshole.”

I snort. “That’s all you’ve got? Hmm. Disappointing.”

Just as she opens her mouth to say something back to me, John walks up. “Double the order for tomorrow until we can figure out a good number of pastries each morning.”

“Each morning?” I ask, knowing it’s none of my business. Several months ago, he’d mentioned she might be providing the B&B with healthy options, but I didn’t think it’d really happen. This is the South. We ain’t got room for that hippie shit.

“Yeah, she’s gonna be delivering pastries each day, startin’ this week.” He looks at Kat with appreciation, and she gives him a sweet smile. Just like flipping a switch, she’s covering up her emotions and pushing her anger away. Yet as soon as John walks off, she narrows her eyes at me once again.

“Guess my mornings are gonna suck from here on out,” I tell Colton, pretending she’s not there.

“Well, you’re not a bundle of joy to be around either.”

Colton bursts out laughing. “You two are ridiculous.”

“Maybe if she wasn’t a spoiled brat and actually cared about other people, it wouldn’t be like this,” I tell Colton, expecting her to retort with something harsh. Instead, she storms out of the B&B in a huff. Perfect.

Colton stands and puts away our dirty plates. “So that went smooth. You two gonna be at each other’s throats every day now?”

All I can do is shake my head. Having to see her every morning is going to be absolute torture. I haven’t been with another woman since that night with her. The truth is, I haven’t wanted to, which is really putting a damper on my player reputation. I’m pretty sure Kat broke my dick and my ego.

As we walk outside, I know I need to get her out of my head, and the only way for me to do that is to go have a good time and get laid. “Let’s go out this weekend.”

Colton looks at me and grins. “Okay, but Presley’s coming along.”

“At least we’ll have a designated driver.” I shrug and realize I’ve become the third wheel.

Fuckin’ great.

Chapter Three


Oh my God.

If I had a pitchfork, I would’ve stabbed him, then hung his corpse in the cattle field.

Okay, that’s extreme, but he gets me so fired up with his condescending attitude and rude comments. He has every right to be upset with me, but Lord, it’s been six months. I would think he’d be over it by now.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Circle B Ranch Erotic