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All I do is nod, and she looks over my shoulder at the crystal clock on the wall. “Looks like we have a few hours before we need to get ready. You should shave beforehand. Try not to look like a caveman.”

The digs are starting to wear on me, but I take them because what I want to say will give her more leverage to hurt Maddie. “Anything else?”

“I think that’s it.”

As I turn to walk to the room I stay in when I’m visiting, she says my name. I stop for a moment. “I’m sorry I had to do this, but you tied my hands, and I had no other choice.”

Instead of responding, I continue forward. As soon as I’m alone, I ball my hands into fists needing to release my anger. The frustration I’m experiencing is like nothing I’ve ever endured before. It’s a prison of emotions, tucked deep inside, and I have to play along. I’m not convinced Maddie is fine, and I’m unsure of her currently situation. Victoria grew up watching her father be merciless, and I know the same cold blood flows through her veins. The woman wouldn’t know empathy if it slapped her in the fucking face.

Kicking off my shoes, I lie on the bed and stare at the ceiling until my vision blurs. My head pounds as I think about my life. I could’ve never predicted any of this. Knowing my father is now a target along with Maddie being taken brings this all to the next level, and I’m not sure how I’m going to get us out of this.

Though hours have passed, time feels as if it’s standing still. Considering we’ll be leaving soon, I jump in the shower, then shave my face as Victoria requested. Her wish is my command—a mantra I’m sure I’ll repeat a dozen times before the night is over. When I walk into the living room, the shirt she bought for me is lying on the back of the sofa. I grab it along with my bag and get dressed. Three knocks on my door tell me it’s time to put on the performance of a lifetime.

“Ready, hubby?” Victoria coos.

I nod, and we leave. The ride to meet her family is full of mental anguish. I try to remember the last time we had sex along with how far along she is. The math adds up correctly if she’s being honest, which could account for the size of her belly with twins. However, I can’t be sure if I’m the only guy she’s been with since we hooked up. The first night we met, Victoria admitted she wasn’t a one-man type of person, but she’s also been watching her back because of our marriage. The babies only complicate this scenario further.

She admitted she wanted out of the mob life once before. The reason she needed her trust fund early was so she could be free from it all. Having a baby meant getting more money in the end, so I can only imagine what the monetary value is for two. She seems overly thrilled by it, though—the dollar signs, that is. Before, she mentioned she’d have so much cash she’d just hire a full-time nanny to raise the kids, with no intention of changing her jet-setting lifestyle. The thought alone makes me sick. I never imagined having children, but I’d never abandoned them either. They’ll be her pawns that’ll allow her to get more of what she wants.

The car eventually slows in front of an Italian restaurant. When we get out, I wrap my arm around Victoria, and she leans into me. Her skin against mine feels as if it’s leaving third degree burns.

“Make me proud, and I may reward you later.”

She’s now resorted to treating me like a dog.

I swallow hard as we walk through the restaurant to the private area reserved for the O’Learys. Once we enter, everyone rushes to give us hugs and side cheek kisses. Wine glasses are passed around, and Victoria refuses one, but I don’t. Might as well get sloshed to take away some of the pain I’m feeling.

Victoria’s grandma comes over and squeezes me tight. If the circumstances were different, I’d actually enjoy being around the woman because she’s nice, and I truly believe she sees the best in people. Though it’s possible she’s wearing a disguise and is as cold-hearted as the rest of them.

Johnny comes over and gives me a firm handshake, and I meet his grip with the same pressure. “Been treating my daughter right?” he asks with a grin, eventually letting go of my hand.

“Yes sir, like the queen she is. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” I turn to Victoria, placing a soft kiss on her plump lips.

“Mm-hmm. We’ve been doing great, Daddy.”

He hugs Victoria and kisses her. “That’s what I like to hear.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance