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Hated myself for giving anything to him.

At least there was that one time I lost my virginity to someone else… at least that didn’t belong to him, too.

“Then why did you marry him?” she screeched.

The early morning was getting to her.

Hell, it was getting to me, too. That had to be why I was telling her the truth.

“I’m not worthy of anything better.”

Her mouth all but fell open.

“You’re not worthy?” she gasped.

“I’m not worthy. I’m broken. I can’t give this to someone to take care of. I’m… just not worthy,” I grumbled.

But before she could say a thing, it was the dark, hard voice behind me that said, “You’re worthy as fuck, Luce.”

I swallowed thickly and looked behind me, unaware of when he’d come to hear the conversation, but having a feeling that he’d been there for longer than I was aware. That he’d heard every single word I’d said and then even the ones that I hadn’t verbally spewed.

“Bain…” I hesitated. “When did you get here?”

And why did his scowl turn me on so much?

“I don’t ever want to hear you say anything like that again,” he growled.

If I’d thought I’d seen him upset for me before, it was nothing compared to right now.

I could practically see the steam coming from his ears.

“Bain…” I tried again, but he interrupted me, closing his hand around my wrist and pulling me to him.

There was no give. No suggestion for me to come to him. It was a nonverbal order, plain and simple.

Then, he kissed me.

And the kiss, from so long ago, that had happened during that six-month break with me and Braxton… that kiss was everything. At least, I thought it had been. Only, this one that he’d just given me? It was better than anything I could’ve ever imagined. Better than the one that I remembered him giving me so long ago.

Better than taking my next breath.

• • •

That kiss distracted me for the next few hours.

After he dropped me off at campus, watching me go all the way into the building until I reached Matilda’s side, he sped away. Uncaring that he’d blown right past a campus cop that had flashed his lights at him.

“What the fuck just happened?” Matilda whispered in surprise. “Was that… who was that?”

I didn’t know if I could tell her.

“Was that Bain?” she asked again.

I licked my lips as I said, “How did you know?”

“Because you said he was hot, rode a bike and made your lady parts tingle when he was near.” She paused. “Well, that guy was hot, rode a bike and made my lady parts tingle. So I was only making an educated guess.”

I barely contained a snort.

“Tell me everything,” she ordered.

Unfortunately, that never happened because our professor called the class to order and started to hand out our tests.

We both finished at the same time and when we got outside, it was to see Bain already waiting.

“He looks like he’s ready to fight someone,” she surmised.

“He might be,” I admitted, then quickly told her everything that I could in the few minutes it took us to arrive at Bain’s bike.

“Hello.” Matilda smiled and held out her hand. “It’s nice to finally meet you. I’m Matilda, Diana’s best friend. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“Matilda.” He nodded his head at her respectfully, taking her hand gently. “Can’t say the same about you. But I’m sure that she’ll get there.”

I most certainly would not.

I was going to go home and hide out in my house for the foreseeable future.

There was a beep beep from beside me and then I saw Hilary practically hanging out the window. “You’re coming home with me, doll. You can stay with us tonight, too, if you want. Bain told me everything.”

Relief warred with sadness in my chest.

Dammit, I wanted to go with Bain.

But, I also could admit to myself that things were quite awkward.

Bain wasn’t even looking directly at me. He was looking at Matilda.

Not that I could blame him. Matilda was gorgeous with her smooth, tan skin and melty brown eyes. She had the curliest black hair I’d ever seen before and wore it in a high ponytail at the top of her head. She was lean, had a great ass and a killer smile.

I didn’t have any of those things.

I was a pale-skinned redhead that couldn’t fit into her fat pants lately.

I had tiny feet, even tinier boobs and an ass that was very… voluptuous.

What I did not have was a nice body or an ample set of breasts.

Sadly, I knew Bain to be a breast man. How did I know? Every last one of his girlfriends, or the women I’d met that he’d slept with for the night, or a few days, had boobs. Lots of boobs.

“Well, I’m sure Diana, or Luce, will tell you all about me but it really is nice to finally put a face to your name,” Matilda said.

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale Gator Bait MC Erotic