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“Wh-what?” I asked. “What are you talking about?”

“You. Here. Living. With me,” he said the words slowly. As if I was brain damaged or something. “You can move in here with me. I can keep an eye on you. And you can give me a break from the sheriff for a while. He’s been up my ass since I was released and it’s getting really fuckin’ old. While that’s happenin’, I can have my boys look into the chick at the school that’s messing with your kid.”

“Oh.” I hesitated. “Are you sure that’s a good idea? You have a daughter. That’s gonna look really freakin’ weird.”

He shrugged. “Lolo is really smart. I wouldn’t hide it from her. I would be upfront and blunt about everything. I’d also let her know about the teacher at the school. Accident is a small town. The junior high and the high school share the same damn building. There’s no way that she doesn’t have contact with this teacher daily.”

Just the thought of it, I could tell, was really bothering him.

“Come on.” He smacked my ass. “You can come with me to dinner.”

“What?” I squawked. “I can’t go to dinner like this!”

I was covered in his come.

As in, covered.

His. Mine. It was all over me. I could feel it drying on my back.

My god, the things we’d done. I needed a shower, and a soul cleanse while I was at it.

And Jesus, he’d talked about putting his penis in my ass.

That was depraved, too.

I’d never once even thought about anything going into my ass. Not a finger, and definitely never a penis.

Yet… when he’d said it? When he’d mentioned it? I’d definitely thought about it then.

Though the thought was a bit scary, I knew that if he wanted to try it, I would.

“Shower first,” he said. “I’ll braid your hair when you get out so it doesn’t look like a rat’s nest.”

I was being pulled out of the bed in the next second, all but being dragged to his shower.

That’s when I saw the wall of windows that were practically wide ass open for anyone to see in.

I squeaked. “Wait! You can’t just walk out in front of windows naked like this!”

I covered myself the best I could, but there was a lot of me to cover. I accomplished only covering my areolas at best.

“They’re tinted,” he explained, not bothering to shield any of his nudity as he tugged me along. “I can see out just fine. No one can see in. Also acts as some kick-ass sun reflection, too. Saves me about a hundred bucks a month on cooling my place.”

He brought me into his bathroom, and I stared in awe.

Everything inside of it was one huge shower area.

The tile came up all the way to the door, and the shower practically dominated the entire room. Hell, even the vanity and the toilet were part of it.

“Wow,” I said, staring. “How did this come about? I’ve never seen a drain in the middle of a bathroom before.”

He chuckled as he walked over to the shower and turned it on with the press of a button on the wall.

“It all started out when Tex was a baby, and hated being in the shower, but didn’t mind being in the bathroom. He was always getting sandy and gross from being in the water, so it came to my attention that I would need to come up with something a little better to get him in here and showered. Hence the full bathroom/shower area. But now I can have like eight dogs in here.”

“Tex is pretty big…” I hedged.

The dog was huge.

I’d never seen a Golden so big before.

“I take him on walks daily,” he grumbled. “Actually, twice a day. But it’s like that fat is just clinging on for dear life. That, and my sister and daughter and nephew still feed him like a horse. But, I guess if he lives a few less years because he’s fat, at least he’ll be happy. I’ve given up trying. I just try to get him a walk in so he doesn’t get any worse.”

He waited a few more seconds and then tugged me under the showerheads.



There were eight of them. Two on the one wall, one above our heads, two on each sidewall, and one on each wall lower, about crotch height.

It was heaven.

I groaned as all the water hit me from every side imaginable.

Then Wake’s fingers were in my hair, and I realized that I’d never addressed what he’d said earlier.

“You braid hair?” I asked, keeping my eyes closed as I felt suds from the shampoo start running down my face.

“I braid hair,” he confirmed. “When Lolo was younger, she always wanted her hair braided. So I learned because my ex-wife refused.”

That was the sweetest thing I’d ever heard.

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale Gator Bait MC Erotic