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“Technically, yes. However, an opportunity came up, and she took it, and it’s the reason I didn’t have much of a choice.”

“Meaning what, Liam? Just…say it,” I encourage, knowing he’s still holding back.

He inhales. “After I lost the money and JJ told me the truth, I ran. I didn’t have enough cash to pay it back. I flew home and ignored JJ’s messages for months while I tried to figure this shit out. I worked extra jobs and sold some things. Then he added interest and claimed the clock was ticking. I’d hoped they’d give me more time, but then a couple of months later, your picture arrived with that note on the back,” he explains, and I can hear the defeat in his voice. “Threatening to hurt you was how they got me back to Vegas. They knew where I was and who I lived with, and I couldn’t risk them coming after you or anyone else in my life. I texted JJ, and he agreed to meet me so we could make a deal—or so I thought. After I arrived, I realized I’d been set up and got my ass kicked by Johnny’s bodyguards. They tied me up, and Johnny wanted me dead. I’d even come to terms with it, and he was seconds from pulling the trigger when Victoria barged in, begging him to stop because I was her lover. She saved my goddamn life, and I was willing to do whatever she asked to keep it that way.”

“She stopped him?” I ask softly, not sure what to think about that, considering I hate her guts.

“Yeah, JJ told her what was happening, and she barged in at the last fucking second. Victoria told her dad we were together and engaged to get married soon. That’s when he lowered his gun and asked me if it was true. I agreed because hell, I didn’t want to die. Once we were alone, she revealed why she did it, and I was willing to do whatever she needed for saving my life. I don’t know how she planned to get her trust fund before that, but I owed her either way.”

“Wow…” I exhale slowly, blinking. “That’s a lot to digest.”

“Yeah,” Liam agrees. “It’s embarrassing as hell that I got myself into this situation, and the last thing I wanted was for you to be involved.”

I grab his hand and squeeze. “That week you came home from Vegas all beat up, you said a fugitive did that to your face. It wasn’t, was it?”

“No.” He shakes his head. “Johnny’s men bruised my fucking ribs and gave me double black eyes. That’s when JJ set me up.”

“Jesus.” Understanding what Liam’s been through has tears filling my eyes. My heart aches that he’s had to keep this to himself.

“I should’ve shut the hell up when Johnny antagonized me, but then his bodyguards showed me a live feed of you, and I lost my shit.”

“They had footage of me?” I gape.

“Yes, and I knew they weren’t messing around. The mob doesn’t think twice about threatening loved ones in your life if they think it’ll get them what they want, which is exactly what he did. He’d been watching me, us. They knew you were important to me after stalking me for several days. Saw the way I drove you around, how we interacted, and knew we were roommates. It was easy to see we had…something, which is why you were the target. Maddie, they followed you around campus. It was terrifying.” His voice catches as he explains, and a cold shiver runs up my spine.

“So…if Johnny thought we were together, why would he believe that you love his daughter and were getting married?” I ask, moving closer.

“Even before Victoria’s act, I downplayed what you meant to me and explained you were just my roommate’s little sister and that we were only friends.” His voice strains as he shakes his head. “He bought it after Victoria was persistent about our relationship. The deal was that after we got married, they’d leave you alone but—”

The defeat in his tone gives him away. “But they’re still watching?”

“Yeah, well recently. They backed off and only checked in a couple of times, but I noticed them again yesterday while I was tracking a woman. I told Victoria to take care of it, but she doesn’t want to give her father any reason to be suspicious of our marriage. If he finds out we lied, it puts everyone I love at risk. He won’t just stop at me or you, but everyone who means something to me will be in danger.”

“When did you marry her?” I ask, the thought making me sick to my stomach.

Liam swallows hard, and I have a feeling I won’t like his answer. “Seven weeks ago.”

“Almost two months ago and you didn’t tell anyone until last week?” I ask harshly.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance