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Fuck, I can’t even think about it, or I’m going to lose my goddamn mind.

There’s no way I can go there now, not with the wedding this weekend. I can’t risk missing one of the most important days in Hunter’s and Lennon’s life. I have no other choice but to text JJ and plead for more time.

Liam: Stay the fuck away from her. I’ll come next week.

JJ: Tsk tsk. I wonder if your girlfriend knows all your dirty little secrets? Perhaps we should catch her up…

Liam: She’s my roommate, asshole. I swear, if you come near her, I’ll kill you.

JJ: You’re not very smart, are you, Liam? Threaten me again, and we’ll come for all your friends.

Liam: I give you my word that I’ll be there next week. I can’t come any earlier.

JJ: The boys are camped out watching you. If you fuck with me, Liam, you’ll be sorry, trust me. I’ve given you plenty of time.

Liam: I have a wedding in Utah this weekend. Leaving Friday and coming back Sunday. I’ll fly to Vegas right after.

JJ: Boss is getting impatient and is ready to put a hit out on you. I’m sick of the goddamn lip service.

Liam: I’ll be there if you stay away from my friends. Don’t get them involved; they don’t know a damn thing about this.

JJ: You owe $100k to my family and have ignored me for weeks. You have no right to demand shit.

Somehow, I resist the urge to send him the middle finger emoji. My blood boils with rage, wanting to throw everything in sight. But hell, they’re probably watching me through the window. The thought makes me want to vomit.

I can’t tell Maddie or any of them. They’ll get involved and want to help, but I need them to stay as far away from this shitshow as possible. This is my goddamn mess, and I’m the one who needs to clean it up.

Liam: I’ll let you know when my flight is. Don’t contact me till then.

He responds with a winking emoji, which only makes my stomach turn. Control is slipping through my fingers, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about this right now. This will inevitably eat at me every day until it’s resolved, and my friends are no longer targets.

I sleep with one eye open and keep Maddie as close to me as possible without setting off any alarm bells. She’s already suspicious and has mentioned I’m acting weird, but I ignore her. I can’t risk any of the O’Leary men getting close to her. Though he gave me a week to return, I understand what his family is capable of, so I’m not taking any chances.

Maddie, Mason, Sophie, and I flew out to Utah Friday morning and spent the weekend celebrating Hunter and Lennon’s nuptials. The wedding was small and intimate with only close friends and family in attendance. I met Mr. and Mrs. Corrigan and tried to keep my mind busy helping where I could. I even played with Alison and held Aaron while they cut the cake and had their first dance. I smile, thinking about how Maddie looked at me as though I’d grown a second head.

“What?” I asked, cradling the baby to my chest. He was only two months old and mostly slept and ate.

“You sure you aren’t gonna drop him?” Maddie teased. “Should I take him just in case you get a hint of commitment?” She held out her arms, but I shifted my body so she couldn’t take Aaron.

“Commitment?” I mused, arching a brow.

“Yeah, you might catch it or something. A wedding, babies, true love. Watch out,” she taunted, and while her bitterness stemmed from my rejection, I still thought it was adorable when she tried to get under my skin.

“I’m immune, so don’t worry about me.” I flashed a slow, smug grin, which caused her to roll her eyes.

Watching Hunter and Lennon dance as husband and wife had me thinking about how far they’d come. This was their second chance at love, and they deserved all the happiness in the world after the loss they’d endured. It was hard to think about Brandon at times and everything he was missing, but a part of him still lived on in Alison. I knew he’d be glad to see his best friend and the love of his life find comfort in each other.

After the DJ told everyone to join the newlyweds on the dance floor, I handed Aaron off to Lennon’s grandmother, then walked over to Maddie.

Holding out my hand, I leaned over and whispered, “Dance with me.”

She blinked, eyeing my hand curiously as if I were holding a bomb. The last time we danced was the night of her birthday, and we ended up kissing. It was against my better judgment, but I wouldn’t take it back either. I only regret that I couldn’t give her more.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance