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She always took care of those little starlets like a second mother as their publicist before she even came to us, didn’t she? She’d always known how to mother and protect.

She’s our perfect match in every way. Because we’re men, but we’re lost boys too.

“I’m gonna give you what you need,” Hope says throatily, and my own erection grows heavy in my boxers. I massage her calves deeper, needing my hands on her. I knead her muscles with my fingers, wanting to give her every pleasure and release. I want to worship her body while she gives to my brother. All of us connected like this is kind of mind-blowing.

Standing by the edge of the bed in front of me, Janus wallops her ass again and she sighs out her pleasure. Then I watch Janus’s hand move between her legs. I can smell her as he rolls his fingers in the wetness between her legs and smears it around. I bet she’s swollen. I love how her clit swells and gets all floppy for us.

I check in on everyone and see Milo’s hips pumping, fucking the air. I’m familiar with that motion. My brother is so hair trigger, sometimes he doesn’t even need friction to come.

“Ah ah ah,” I say in a warning voice. “Turn around, Milo, and lay on your back. Don’t you dare touch your cock. Hope, give those balls another good yank and remind him who’s boss.”

“Gladly,” Hope says darkly, yanking so hard that Milo cries out, cock bobbing and straining harder than I’ve ever seen it. Precum glistens at the tip so I know I’ve called it just in time.

Hope smacks his ass hard again, then sits back on her haunches so Milo can flip over onto his back in the middle of the bed. He’s breathing hard and there’s a light sheen of sweat on his brow. His cock points straight up towards the sky, he’s so hard.

“On to the next kitchen implement. Our brother’s going to get the full treatment with our kitchen pervertibles.”

Hope smiles, likely never having heard the term before. I point towards some items in the plastic bowl and her eyebrows go up.

“Line them up like little soldiers all the way down,” I instruct.

If I thought her eyebrows were up before, they absolutely hit her hairline now.

“He can take it,” I say firmly. “He needs to really feel like he’s being punished. And we’ve got to keep him from coming.”

Hope sucks in a quick breath, then lets it out.

And then she picks up the first clothespin and waves it in Milo’s face. “Bad boys don’t get to come, do they?”

Milo’s eyes widen when he sees what she’s holding. But they glisten with excitement too. “No,” he chokes out. “They don’t.”

“That’s right, they don’t. They get punished instead. And I really want you to feel my punishment,” Hope hisses. She walks her fingers up his thigh, which makes his cock bob even harder in the air.

When she finally, finally grabs him, I think my brother might just pass out right there. But she’s quick as she squeezes the end of the clothespin and attaches just the tip to the top of his shaft, pinching the skin there.

Milo heaves out a breath, but his cock-stand doesn’t waver the slightest bit. “Another,” he gasps out through clenched teeth.

“Hush!” Hope chastises. “Bad boys don’t get to ask for what they want. I’ll do exactly as I please.”

Hope grabs another couple clothespins and instead of continuing to attach them to his penis, she crawls up the bed and pinches his nipple, then clothespins first the right one, then the left.

A high-pitched noise comes out of Milo’s mouth.

To be fair, Hope knows exactly how that feels. Because Janus and I have done the same thing to her more than once or twice. Only when Milo is silent, his eyes all but rolling back in his head in a kind of spaced-out bliss, does Hope return to his stiff cock.

One by one, she patiently and methodically attaches clothespins down his cock like some sort of fucked up semi-Prince Albert—only pinching instead of piercing.

By the time she’s done, it looks like a row of little towers lining the top of his rock-hard cock.

She looks down and grins at her work. “What a good boy,” she croons.

Then she reaches between Milo’s spread legs and starts to play with his balls. “Now we can have some real fun, honey. Because there’s something I’ve always wanted to try…”

Chapter 42


There’s something so incredible about the power of human connection.

It’s intense and indescribable as I do as Hope says. I let go. I let go of expectation and control. I let go of the last two years. Everything just sort of slips out of my head. For once it’s just—

Quiet up there.

So, so blessedly fucking quiet.

Tags: Stasia Black Erotic