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“That’s it. Now,” he growled, pulling his cock out. “Hands and knees. I want to see my cock disappearing between your pretty ass cheeks.”

Yes. My pussy spasmed, already missing his hard cock.

As soon as he lifted off me, I hurried to flip around until I was on my hands and knees on the bed.

And then his cock was there at my ass.

I didn’t know which hole he’d choose. He liked both from this position. Maybe he was just impatient to be inside me again, because he slid right back into my pussy.

His big palm came to the top of my spine and he pushed my head down to the mattress. I clenched around his cock. I loved it when he did this move.

Maybe it was wrong to love his dominance like this—the rougher the better. I didn’t know why I liked it so much. But my body responded, rocketing right back up near the peak he’d just left me at. I thrilled as he shoved my face down on the mattress and started fucking me like I was his favorite fuck doll.

My clit was swollen, and every down-punch of his hips ground it against the mattress and all back along his long shaft as it dragged in and out—

I turned my face into the mattress with my scream as I started to come.

And Janus railed me unmercifully as he started swearing out his own orgasm.

Afterwards when he rolled to the side, I was finally, finally able to sleep. The sleep of the well-fucked.

His cock was still partially inside me when we got the phone call an hour later. I only knew that because I was slow to rouse at the sound of the cell ringing. Just in time to feel Janus slide out of me as he reached for his phone.

Feeling sleepy and sated, I kept my eyes shut and relished the part of Janus’s body still touching mine—

At least until I felt all of his muscles jerk to alertness. And the next words out of his mouth: “You want me to identify what—? You found a body?!”

Chapter 27


Hope clutched me like a lifeline. I didn’t tell her that my arm around her shoulders was just as much for my benefit as for hers.

Milo couldn’t be— He just couldn’t be—

My brain rejected the thought as soon as it sped across my head.

No way. No way.

And yet here we were, walking into an antiseptic-smelling coroner’s office in the basement of the hospital. Why did they have to put it in the basement?

I told Hope to stay home with the babies, that she didn’t need to come. But she just looked at me like I was crazy. Which, fair enough. We’d called our sitter who’d luckily been able to come over right away.

And now here we were, our footsteps echoing too loudly as we followed the dour-faced coroner… Jesus, I guess he was leading us to the morgue. I clutched Hope to me tighter as he opened a door.

If I thought the smell in the hallway had been off, here it was— God, my stomach turned over. I looked over at Hope, and she had a hand to her nose.

The coroner checked something on his digital pad, scrolling down, then nodding and leading us to one of the many refrigerated slots on the wall.

I stopped Hope. “Babe, seriously. Just wait outside. I can do this part.”

She glared up at me. “I have to see.”

My chest sank but I dropped my arm from around her shoulder to grasp her hand instead.

“Identification was found on the body.” the coroner said, face impassive. “But as you’ll see, the water decomposition makes facial ID difficult. The police told you he was found in the lake outside of SoFi Stadium? I haven’t determined yet how long he’s been deceased. Did he have any tattoos or other distinguishing birthmarks?”

Again, my stomach took a turn. Especially when the coroner slid the body out like he was this week’s latest DB on Law and Order.

At least there was a sheet covering him.

“You’re sure it was Milo’s driver’s license?” I asked, not wanting to step any closer.

“His insurance card was in the wallet too. That’s how we found you, listed as his emergency contact.”

Well, fuck. “How did he die?”

“A knife wound. He bled out. I thought the police covered this on the phone with you?”

They did. I was stalling. But I just had to get it over with. Rip the band aid off, as it were.

But Hope beat me to the punch, hurrying forward and bending over when the coroner pulled the sheet down.

“It’s not him!” she declared, relief heavy in her voice.

“What?” I jogged forward, wanting to believe her but not sure it wasn’t just, well, hope getting in the way of her better judgement. She’d only known Milo a year. He’d been my brother for as long as I could remember.

Tags: Stasia Black Erotic