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“Aww, baby…” Lennon coos.

Maddie mimics a gagging noise, and I snicker.

“You two are relationship goals,” I tell Hunter and Lennon. The moment they finally got together, I knew I wanted what they had. Lennon had a second chance at love after Brandon died, and I’m so happy she took the risk. Hunter’s perfect for her and Allie.

Once we finish eating and clean up, Hunter offers to give Allie her bath and get her ready for bed so Lennon can socialize with us. I watch as Lennon gives him a deep, passionate kiss and sigh, loudly.

“Didn’t know we were getting dinner and a show,” Maddie blurts.

“Hey, you be quiet!” Lennon scowls before releasing Hunter, and he walks down the hallway. She looks so cute with her belly, and I’m so excited for them to be adding a baby boy to the family.

“Baby kicking?” I ask as she takes a seat on the couch next to me. I rub her bump and beg for movement. “Ooh, was that it?”

“Let me feel!” Maddie pushes me aside.

“Relax,” Lennon says, laughing. “Pretty sure that was just gas. I have a food baby in there too.”

Lennon kicks her feet up on the coffee table, and I start chatting about Mason and me. I want to be respectful of the intimate details of our relationship and knew I wanted to take things slow after the incident with Dalton.

“It was…amazing,” I tell them with a dreamy sigh. “Friday was completely unplanned. Serena was there being overly touchy with Mason, and I flipped out. Once she and Liam left, he cooked dinner, but we weren’t really talking about what had just happened. He was acting a little too giddy for the way I told off his friend, and then he called me out for saying he was my boyfriend. Something just changed for me that night. I didn’t want to wait any longer because being with him felt right. I love him so much, and I wanted us to share something special. We ended the night, he kissed me, and we went to our separate rooms.”

“And then what? He snuck into your bedroom and jumped you, right?” Maddie waggles her brows.

“Actually, it was the other way around.” I blush. “I snuck into his room and told him I was ready.”

“Then you spent the entire weekend naked and didn’t come up for air until this morning. Amiright?” Lennon smirks.

“Pretty much!” I laugh. “I couldn’t get enough, and neither could he. We ate and refueled between.”

“And now I want to barf,” Maddie says dramatically. Lennon narrows her eyes at her, which causes me to smile. “I mean, I’m really happy for the two of you. I just hate being the only sister who can’t contribute to these stories.”

I pat her leg. “You will. One day, you will. Then it’ll be ‘Maddie’s Sex Stories’ nonstop.”

“Ooh, I like the sound of that. Should totally be a book.” Maddie beams with excitement.

We laugh and chat for another hour before Lennon suggests we FaceTime our parents since the three of us are together.

“That feels wrong after the conversations we just had…” I bite my bottom lip, then shrug. “As long as Maddie doesn’t blurt out anything inappropriate, we should be okay.”

“Considering I’m the one who knows both of your secrets, you should know I’m a pro at acting completely normal with Mom and Dad. It’s you two sex addicts who will blow our covers.”

“They know by now not to say anything to me,” Lennon gloats.

We end up talking to our parents for twenty minutes before Lennon uses Allie as an excuse to hang up. They could chat for hours if we didn’t find a way to end the call. We all love them so much, but they will pry into every detail of our lives if given the chance.

“Thanks for bringing dinner.” Lennon gives us hugs before we head out.

“You’re welcome!” I smile. “Oh, don’t forget my fall concert is next week. You’re all coming, right?”

“Of course! We wouldn’t miss it. Mads, I’ll pick you up,” Lennon directs at our little sister. “Don’t be late.”

“You’re the one with the baby, and I’m going to be late?” She scoffs, and it’s funny the way we both give her shit, but it’s our job as the older sisters. She’s growing into a young woman, and it’s hard to believe she’ll be legal to drink in just a few months.

Once I drop Maddie off, I come home to Mason on the couch. Lying down with one arm behind his head and the other over his chest, he’s fast asleep. He’s been working so hard since he was promoted, and I know he wants to prove himself, but I still worry about him burning out.

“Baby…” I whisper, brushing my hand over his cheek. “Go to bed. You won’t be comfortable out here.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance