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“What the heck?” she screeches. “How so?”

I turn toward my sister and point a finger at her, teasingly. “Who made me get that stupid dating app to start?”

She rolls her eyes. “I picked some good ones on there for you, and if my memory serves me correct, you had something to say about all of them,” she says matter-of-factly, flicking her attention to Mason. I panic for a second, worried she’s going to rat me out on why I didn’t pursue them.

“Okay, fine. You’re off the hook,” I quickly say, wanting this conversation to end.

“I’m gonna hop in the shower,” Mason says, touching my shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. He went to the gym a couple of hours ago, and now that I’m looking, I notice his shirt is covered in sweat. I know he likes to work out and box, but now that he’s not at the day job, he seems to be spending even more time there.

“Was that not the sweetest, most alpha male thing to say?” Maddie blurts out the second Mason heads upstairs.

Oh my God.

I hope he didn’t hear that.

“If you don’t have his babies, then I’m going to,” Maddie continues.

“Just when we thought it was safe to bring you back into the conversation,” I tease, blushing.

“Seriously, I think my ovaries burst,” Lennon adds, and I narrow my eyes at her.

I groan. “Shut up. Both of you.”

“Speaking of babies and ovaries,” Lennon says. “I never got to tell you guys on Saturday.”

My eyes widen as I study her expression. “Are you pregnant?” I squeal, my jaw dropping in shock. When she smiles and nods, I lunge at her with a hug. “I can’t believe it!”

Maddie charges for her next, handing me Allie. “Dude, no wonder you made us stop at Taco Bell earlier.”

We all laugh, and this was just the news I needed to hear.

“When did you find out? Do you know how far long you are?” I ask, bouncing my niece on my knee.

“Probably five or six weeks. I see the doctor next week to confirm. I found out last week and told Hunter on Saturday morning before the wedding, which is why I didn’t get the chance to tell you guys sooner.”

“You’re going to be a big sister, Allie Kat,” I say, kissing her chubby cheeks. “Two kids under two. Oh my God.” I laugh, knowing she’s going to have her hands full.

“Yes, I know.” Lennon smiles, but it’s one of pure joy. She and Hunter deserve it, and I’m so happy for them.

We talk and play with Allie for another hour. I avoid bringing up Weston for as long as possible, though I know they’re both concerned. They’ve already agreed to come to the funeral with me this weekend, and once it’s over, I’ll have closure for good.

Allie starts to get fussy, and Lennon says she’s ready for a nap. As Maddie changes the baby, Lennon pulls me to the side and gives me a concerned look. “Listen, I know this is hard for you, and you just want to push it away for now. I’m not going to tell you how to deal with this, considering the way things happened, but I do think you should talk to someone so you don’t bottle it up. I was doing some research and found these grieving groups. It’s like group therapy where people who lost someone close to them can chat openly about it. Even if you aren’t grieving him, I know you’re grieving the life you thought you’d have. You did love him at one point, and you’re grieving a loss regardless. It might be something to consider.”

It wasn’t because I’m actively trying not to think about any of it. But I know my sister and how much she loves me, so I give her an appreciative smile and nod. “I’ll think about it. Thanks.”

Do I want to talk about it? Would it help? Or would it open wounds I’m not ready to dissect?

We say our goodbyes, and soon they’re off, leaving me in a quiet house. Mason is in his room, obviously wanting to give us privacy down here. Considering this is his home, I think that’s super nice.

I wake up the next day, sore as hell. As appreciative as I am for being able to stay here, this couch is killing me. I toss and turn all night, unable to get comfortable for too long before I’m forced to find a new position.

Mason strolls down the stairs in nothing but gray sweatpants. I swallow down the lump lodged in my throat at seeing him this early in the morning with messy hair, sleepy hooded eyes, and shirtless with his body on display.


Is this my punishment? Getting to look and not touch?

Fucking brutal.

“Morning,” he says with a deep throaty voice. “You’re up early.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance