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I end the call and can’t stop grinning. Becoming an aunt, finding a man I really adore, kicking ass at violin…I’m on top of the world at the moment, and it feels fucking amazing.

After I get Maddie, we chat about how much we’re going to spoil our niece on the way to the hospital. Lennon even calls to check on our location and tell us she’s not delivering yet, but I don’t think she realizes we wouldn’t miss this for a million dollars. It takes no time to make it there, and I have to tell Maddie to bring her excitement down a few notches before seeing Lennon, but she doesn’t listen to me, or anyone, ever.

As soon as we walk into the room, Maddie startles, which makes me chuckle.

“Whew, no baby yet,” she says as soon as she sees Lennon.

“Where’s loverboy?” I ask with a shit-eating grin when I notice Hunter isn’t around. Lennon filled us in on everything that’s happened since they returned from Utah back in July and the details of our mother showing up two months ago. It’s been rocky since she found out she was pregnant with her dead boyfriend’s baby. She’s been slowly letting Hunter into her life, though I know she struggles emotionally with it all, which is why I’ve been trying to give her space and time to adjust.

When Hunter returns, we chat about baby prep and different facts he’s learned about pregnancies. He’s so into it that it makes me grin. It’s obvious how much he cares about Lennon and the baby, and I’m happy she has Hunter. Even if they hated each other in the beginning, it’s clear they’ve formed a close relationship now. Grieving the loss of Brandon together has brought them closer. I’m so happy she has him, and that he’s been so willing to do anything for her, even if she doesn’t quite see what the rest of us do. He’s so in love with her, and a part of me wonders how long it will be until she realizes it too.

Soon, Lennon has dilated enough to start pushing. Seeing how much Hunter protects, comforts, and loves her through it all makes me respect him on a totally different level. When I see my niece for the first time, tears stream down my cheeks. Watching the birth of my niece quickly becomes one of the highlights of my life. Of course, we start taking pictures galore of the baby, and Lennon and Hunter, saving the memories that will last a lifetime. Maddie and I refuse to leave Lennon’s side until she’s rolled into the recovery room.

“You were taking photos?” she asks, and I know she’s exhausted. “Will you send me some?”

Maddie instantly begins to airdrop the two hundred photos she took to Lennon, and I send the few I captured too. I’m sure she’s texting a picture to our mother because that’s how she is, even after our mom hurt her. When she announced the baby’s name, Alison—after the singer who sang Lennon’s favorite song, “Baby Mine”—my emotions begin to take over.

She holds Alison so tight to her body as if she’ll never let her go. After the baby is fed, we decide to give Lennon some alone time but promise to come back later. Maddie and I are in complete awe when we leave the hospital. The happiness I feel for Lennon is completely indescribable, and I think I might somewhat be in shock after all the excitement. Once I’ve dropped Maddie off, I go back to the apartment and practice the rest of the day until I return to the hospital that evening.

Seeing Lennon become a mother and watching Hunter right by her side give me hope that maybe one day I’ll have that too—a family.

It’s been a few days since the baby was born, and I’ve spoken to Lennon every single day. I’ve even gone over to the apartment several times because I can’t get enough of my niece. I’m trying not to be the overbearing, overloving aunt, but I can’t help it. Alison is adorable, and I already love her so much.

I spent most of the day rehearsing with my quartet because we have to perform at a wedding toward the beginning of the year. It’s one of the things I do to make extra cash on top of playing in the orchestra and teaching kids during the school year. Once we’ve practiced until we can’t go any longer, I head home and take a shower because I’m supposed to meet Weston tonight. As soon as I walk inside and set my violin down, I get a text.

Weston: Thinking about you, beautiful.

An aww escapes my lips.

Sophie: Me too. Excited about tonight.

Weston: Same. It’s so weird how we haven’t known each other for that long, but I feel like I’ve known you for a lifetime.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance