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“Hey, Mason.” I guess I’m going to be the one who tries to hold a civil conversation.

“Hey,” he says dryly, then focuses on chugging his beer until the bottle is empty. He doesn’t say another word to me, not even shitty small talk. I’m half-tempted to call him out and ask him what the hell his problem is, but I bite my tongue instead. Just friends, right? I repeat it over and over in my head.

Hunter looks just as uncomfortable as Mason, and Maddie notices. She leans over and whispers in my ear. “They always this awkward?”

“I need a drink,” I finally say, letting out a huff. I stand, and Maddie follows me as I head to the bar.

I turn and look at her, and she gives me a big cheesy grin. “Gonna buy me a drink now?”

“Hell no,” I say with a glare.

“You are literally no fun. Lennon would’ve totally gotten me a drink.” She’s trying to guilt me, but I know better. Lennon wouldn’t dare do that, and no amount of Maddie trying to play us against each other will work. “Then go ask her,” I say, then order a double shot of tequila.

“You know you’re not supposed to call my bluff!” She smirks as my shot is placed on the counter. I pay and shoot it down quickly, allowing it to burn.

“I’ll just live vicariously through you.” Maddie grins and sits at the barstool, and I decide to sit next to her just to clear my head.

“So…” She draws out. “You and Mason got something going on?”

I narrow my eyes at her. “Why would you think that?”

She shrugs. “Just the way you two talk to each other.”

“Maddie. We barely exchanged three words.” I roll my eyes and order another drink, and she orders a water.

“Mmhmm. Whatever you say, big sis. But your face gives you away every single time.”

I take the second shot and try to ignore her even though she’s so damn observant. I can’t believe she figured it out within the first two minutes of seeing him. It makes me wonder if Lennon knows and is just ignoring it. Or maybe she’s too preoccupied with Brandon to notice. I look at Maddie who’s giving googly eyes to the bartender. The girl is relentless.

“Guess we should get back to all the fun. I think I’m good now,” I speak up, breaking her away.

“Drunk Sophie is my favorite!” Maddie claps, and I laugh. “I’m sure she’s Mason’s favorite too.”

“I’m gonna ship you back to Utah if you don’t stop,” I warn, wondering if I’m really that transparent, or if she’s just messing with me.

She giggles and nearly skips back to the table. “Nope! You’re stuck with me for at least four more years.”

“Lucky me,” I tease with a smile, hoping she doesn’t make it awkward when we get back to the group, but I’m sure she will.

I should’ve ordered ten more drinks because dealing with Mason when he’s in one of his moods is hell.

Chapter Five



My heart pounds as I listen to Emma’s voicemail. Her voice is cool and calm as though she’s accepted her fate. Nothing like the several she previously left me when she’d stop taking her medication, then lose it after a few days.

But tonight feels different, is different. After a dozen missed text and voice messages from her and her sister, I race to her sorority house on a random bike I found outside the frat house. The music blares loudly for over a block, my body shaking as the blood whooshes in my ears. Even though I have the worst feeling in my gut, I hope everything is okay.

The moment I walk into her room, the air rushes from my lungs.

I shake her. Pleading with her to wake up and cursing when she doesn’t.

Her eyes. They look at me, begging me to save her.

Begging me to fix her.

I pump her chest, breathe into her mouth, and pray for a miracle.

Why, Emma? Why?

Everything fades to black, and my eyes pop open at the blaring sound of my phone alarm. I turn it off and wipe the sweat off my forehead and neck.

A dream. Another fucking dream.

Rather, a nightmare.

They’ve been more frequent over the past couple of months. In April, Brandon died in a tragic motorcycle accident, and it’s rocked us all. Hunter and Lennon are leaning on each other to grieve, but it’s brought up memories from my past that I’ve tried to keep locked away. Memories I can’t handle remembering.

Memories from four years ago that changed my life forever.

The image of her lying helplessly on the bed has continued to haunt me for years.

Brandon was one of my best friends and losing him as put me back into that dark place I’ve tried so hard to avoid. I can’t afford to emotionally spiral out of control again, knowing my dad will be right there to put me in my place, so I do the only thing I can to relieve the stress and pain.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance