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“Will do.” She smiles, then wraps her arms around me. “Thanks for meeting us. It’s always less embarrassing when I stuff my face with another adult and not just Allie who I think silently judges me.”

I laugh, giving her a squeeze, then pull back to rub her little bump. “Anytime.”

Mason’s working late tonight, so I head home and decide to get all my laundry and cleaning done so I have something nice to wear for our date tomorrow night. Shortly after I’ve finished my second load, Liam comes waltzing in and heads straight for the fridge.

“I think you might have a drinking problem,” I tease, though slightly serious. He drinks a lot.

“No,” he says slowly, twisting the bottle cap. “I have a hunting-down-idiots problem.”

“I still think you should take me with you one of these times. Show me what kind of badass you really are.” I smirk, folding my delicates on the coffee table.

He takes a seat next to me, propping up one of his feet. “Hey, careful.” I grab the pile of panties and move them away from his boot.

Liam eyes me as he takes a long sip of his drink. “So you and Mason, huh?”

I inhale. I was halfway ready for him to bring it up without Mason present. “What about it?”

“I’m happy for you two. I hope you’re okay, though.”

I nod, knowing that he’s talking about the aftermath of Weston. “I am. Going to grieving circle has helped some and being able to process it on my own terms. Having you two has helped me immensely.”

“Mason said he told you about Emma.”

“Yeah, he did.” Nodding, I finish folding my things and set them into my laundry basket so I can put them away later. “I was pretty shocked to say the least.”

“It was a fucking rough time for him. He’s not really been the same since, but for what it’s worth, I’ve never seen that side of him around another woman the way he’s been around you.”

I arch a brow, trying to understand what that means. “What way?”

Liam takes another long pull of his beer before responding. “Like he’s wanted to try again. Like he has hope. Mason’s not a hit-it-and-quit-it kind of guy, but he’s thought that’s all he was able to give someone. It wasn’t until you that he actually wanted more again, but he fought it every step of the way.”

“You can say that again.” I snicker. “I understand, though. Losing someone, even someone you didn’t really love, is emotionally draining and hard. Part of me checked out of our relationship weeks before, knowing I needed to find a way out, but I was also scared as hell to leave. I felt strong until he was in front of me, screaming and telling me what a piece of shit I was. I hated feeling so weak, but it’s something no one can understand until they’re in that situation.”

Liam closes the gap between us and wraps his arm around me, pulling me to his chest. “I’m not sorry he’s dead. I’m only sorry neither of us did something about it sooner.”

“I know. Deep down, I really think he would’ve killed me had he been given the chance.”

He kisses the top of my head. “Not on our watches, babe.”

Liam heads out that night to meet up with friends, leaving Mason and me alone to binge-watch TV. He doesn’t get home till after eight, so we order food and have a night in.

“So any idea where you’re taking me tomorrow night?” I probe, trying to get any details I can. Twisting the chop sticks in my noodles, I scoop them into my mouth and wait for his response.

“Yes, and I’m not telling you.” He flashes a shit-eating smirk, reaching over to steal my eggroll.

“You’re gonna pay for that,” I tease. “That was my last one.”

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll pay.” Mason winks, causing me to laugh.

My phone beeps with a message, and I set my container down to read it. Once I texted Maddie the same news I told Sophie, she nearly lost her shit. Then she sent a bunch of eggplant emojis saying she was officially the only sister without any dick.

I sent her a link to my favorite vibrator and told her Lennon and I had the same one.

That got her off my ass for a little bit anyway.

Caleb: Hey, want a ride to circle tomorrow night? I’ll be in the area after meeting an out of town friend and can swing by?

I read his message twice, wondering how I’m going to break the news that I’m not going.

Sophie: Actually, I’m not going tomorrow night. I have plans and think the last time was my final meeting.

Caleb: Oh. Too bad, I was really hoping to see you this week.

Sophie: I’m sorry. Is everything okay?

Caleb: Yeah, all good. Don’t worry about it.

Tags: Kennedy Fox Roommate Duet Romance