Page 52 of Villains Are Made

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I hear the soft, sweet sigh of delight spill from her lips. She sounds angelic. My fingers caress down her arms, over the smoothness of her skin as I squeeze her hand.

“Lift your arms up,” I say, guiding them up into the air. “Keep them there,” I add with a tinge of warning.

I bring my hands up to caress her face, pulling her closer, capturing her lips with mine.

Hungry. Desire. Passion sparks between us like a lightning storm at sea, rough and turbulent. This is wrong. This is right. This is everything it shouldn’t be, and yet it is absolutely perfect.

I don’t want a pet anymore.

But I want her.

I don’t need her as my captive anymore.

But I need her.

Somehow, we cross the line of forbidden, and I’m not turning back.

I back her against the bed, her knees hitting the surface. “Lie down,” I say, telling her what to do, guiding her onto her back. Controlling my hunger, I tower over her as I gaze upon her beauty.

Daphne leans up, her fingers reaching out to caress my chest. I climb on top of her body. We are nowhere near finished from earlier even though I desperately tried. I failed. I epically failed. If I can spend all day and night curled in her embrace, I will never get up from the bed again.

I have somehow become her captive instead of the other way around.

My breath hovers and teases over her flesh, intended to tingle on her skin and make her grow restless as my mouth grazes just above her thigh. My fingers climb back up her body, hovering above her breasts teasingly as I bring my lips down, crushing hers, desiring to feel her warmth and need for me in a simple kiss.

Her hands tangle in my hair and then down my back, smoothing over my spine, moving lower over and across my ass.

“I need you inside of me,” she all but purrs. Her words are like music, a sweet melody that makes my heart strum louder in my chest.

I fucking need to be inside of her too.

I kiss a warm path down her neck, sucking the sensitive skin, listening to her moans of pleasure. I want to touch her and taste the sweet juices that flow from her pussy. I also don’t want to rush the moment, as I truly want to savor every single minute with this woman.

My breath caresses her breast, pinching a nipple with one hand as my mouth meets the other. I could suck on her tits all night.

Daphne shifts beneath my weight, her soft purrs and moans filling the air. “I can’t take it any longer. I need you. Now.” Her hands move restlessly across and down my back while I continue sliding down her stomach, kissing over her navel.

My fingers gently caress the top of her mound as I look into her eyes silently.

Positioning myself between her thighs, I burrow my face into her folds, smelling her sweet womanly aroma while my tongue darts out to taste the signs of her arousal. With two fingers, I guide her lips apart, pleased with the smoothness as my mouth descends, tonguing and teasing her sex.

“Apollo,” she gasps, her breaths filling the room with soft moans as I guide two and then three fingers into her tight hole. “I need your cock.”

“I want you to be ready for me,” I tease. “I want you coming the minute I shove my dick inside of you.”

I stroke her warmth, wetness seeping out as I thrust my fingers in and out of her slick hole, diligently making her ready to explode the minute I enter her.

Her eyes slam shut, and I feel her fingernails graze across my back. She is getting close. Daphne’s inner walls clench down on my fingers as she trembles beneath my weight.

Lowering my mouth again, I lick her some more, determined to have her scream out my name by the time the night is over. I have every intention of making her come for me over and over again. I need to hear my brother’s namerepeatedly so she can help brainwash me into believing I am now Apollo. I need to become him. I need his name to be beaten into my body and soul.

Gradually, I climb back up her body, her eyes lazily opening as she refocuses on me.

“Do you want me?” I tease, my voice coming out heavy and thick.

“I do. I do,” she begs. “I’ve never wanted you as badly as I want you right now.”

Daphne’s hand finds my cock, stroking the head, her thumb grazing the tip as it glazed with pre-cum. Her fist glides up and down over my shaft.

Tags: Alta Hensley Romance