Page 60 of Give Me More

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She shakes her head. “Considering what I’ve done with him this week, it would be a little hypocritical of me.”

“This was different, Iz.”

“I know…but to be honest, I’m actually kind of glad you did.”

“Glad? Why?”

“Because…” Her word drags out and I can tell how nervous she is to express whatever it is she’s thinking.

“Just say it, babe. Whatever you’re thinking.”

“I’m just glad to see you exploring this…option.”

“You mean men?”

“I mean Drake.”

My eyes linger on her face for a moment while I quickly scan my memory for any instance in which I ever showed interest in my best friend, but I come up empty.

“I feel like I’m missing something,” I mumble.

She leans in, touching my cheek. “I’ve only been around you two for ten years and you’ve been together for twice that long, so maybe that’s why I see things you don’t.”

“Like what?”

She smiles. “Like the fact that Drake is head over heels for you.”

“What?” I laugh. Then I laugh some more because this is ridiculous. “Isabel, just because he’s into men doesn’t mean he wantseveryman.”

Her head tilts as she gives me a stern glare. “Hunter, I’m being serious. If you haven’t noticed, it’s probably because you’ve been around him so long, you’ve gotten used to it. But I see it. I’m sure everyone sees it.”

“We’re just friends…”

“Yeah, I know. But you can still be in love with your best friend.”

“In love?” I reply in shock. “We’re talking about the same Drake, right? The man sleeps with more people every year than there are days on the calendar. He has no interest in being tied down or matched up with anyone. Drake doesn’t fall in love, Isabel. Come on…”

She doesn’t bother arguing with me, but the expression on her face says enough. The tight-lipped grimace and soft eyes mean she’s just waiting for me to hear myself.

Wait a fucking minute…is she right? Drake has feelings for me? And that’s why he won’t settle down with anyone else?

I let out another long sigh. “And I fucking kissed him! Oh my God…” I groan.



“Which is why I asked…how did that little experiment go?”

She’s asking if I liked kissing him. If I would do it again.

This is all too much. It was just supposed to be a kinky fantasy fulfilled, and now I’m thinking about asking my wife to open our marriage to my best friend and then thinking about my best friend in a sexual way, and I don’t know which way is up at this point.

“Hunter?” she asks, when I don’t answer.

“I liked it,” I stammer. “I really fucking liked it, and I got hard as hell and I was kinda disappointed when it was over.”

She bites her bottom lip hard as she tries to stifle a smile.

Tags: Sara Cate Salacious Players Club Erotic