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They were sick–all of them–for participating in this.

They were familiar with the process, each of them holding paddles, sipping alcohol, and chatting amongst each other. Waiting for the twins to be brought out.

“Come to the back,” Dad said, leading us through the room to a locked door off to the side. He put his thumb up to the keypad and it clicked open.

The girls were sitting in chairs, their limbs dangling at their sides, a zombified look on each of their faces.

“Did you drug them?” I asked with a gasp.

Dad scoffed and ignored my question, like it was too dumb to warrant a response. Of fucking course he drugged them. How else would he keep them compliant enough to go through with the auction?

“Like I said, this is just a test. I picked these two up in Vegas when I was out there on business. Poor things were just trying to make a buck. Stupid whores,” Dad smirked at me. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes, right?”

Bash cleared his throat. “Yeah, so you’ll be getting more soon? This is a lot of hype for one set of twins. They look like they haven’t eaten in a while.”

“They’re druggies off the street, what do you expect? They are clean though. I had them tested. I have a pipeline I’m working on to get some higher-quality girls for future sales. Myex-partner used to take care of all this shit. He would find local girls with shitty home lives and sell them. Made a killing right up untilhewas killed for taking Gio’s nephew’s girlfriend.Idiot.”

And soon you’ll be joining him.

“How much do you want for them?” Bash asked, surprising me with his bluntness.

“At least one fifty.”

Bash chuckled. “One fifty forthat? They don’t look like they’d be worth much considering my men are rough. They would need to take a pounding without breaking in half.”

I flinched at his comment but I knew he was just playing the game to get the price lowered.

“Wellmy menhappen to like it when their women are easy to toss around. Not like this one,” Dad said as he pointed to me.

The muscle in my jaw twitched thinking about all the meals I was forced to skip growing up. My eyes glanced at Dad’s pouch that hung over his pants, noting what a hypocrite he was.

Bash’s arm tightened around me. “If a woman Dani’s size is hard for them totoss around, maybe your men should spend more time at the gym and less time buying girls half their age.”

“You don’t need to insult my friends, Sebastian. Name your price. You obviously have a fondness for these girls for some reason,” Dad said as he glanced at me.

“Fifty thousand.”

“One hundred thousand,” Dad countered.

“They’re going to need rehab and a damn good detox program. They’ll be unusable for months. Sixty thousand. Final offer.”

An ugly smirk appeared on Dad’s face as he stuck out his hand for Bash to shake. “It’s a deal. Normally I wouldn’t let you buy before the auction, but the men who are here are bidding on videos I’ll be showing soon. Why don’t you go out there and enjoy the show? Who knows, you may find someone else that catches your eye.”

Wedidn’tstickaroundfor theshow, but I caught a glimpse as we left with the twins in tow. The men were all seated, their eyes glued to a big projector screen that descended from the ceiling.

On the screen was a teenaged girl undressing for the camera. It was sickening to watch as she most likely had no idea how her video was being used. She stripped down and presented herself, smiling as she cupped her small boobs. Where was she? Where were the others?

A million thoughts crossed my mind and created a pit of anxiety in my stomach as we drove to the clubhouse. The twins were in the back and it bothered me that I didn’t even know their names. The drugs they were given must’ve been wearing off because they were holding each other, groaning and crying.

“Hey, it’s going to be okay. You’re safe now,” I said with a slight smile. I wasn’t sure what would happen to them, but I knew for a fact they would no longer be hurt by Dante Dutton.

“Where are we going?” One of them asked.

“Uhh, it’s like a compound. It’s safe though. No one there will hurt you.” I looked at Bash for reassurance and he gave a nod. “What are your names?”

“I’m Mia. She’s Zoey,” one of the girls answered. It was the one who seemed to be the calmest throughout everything.

“I’m Dani, he’s Bash. I’m sorry about everything that’s happened to you both.”

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic