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My stomach seized at his words. Dad had never touched me in a sexual way, but the way he was looking at me, with anger and disgust, I wouldn’t put anything past him.

“Please,” I whispered. “Don’t hurt them.”

Dad shoved me back and I landed on the floor, trying to catch my breath after he’d squeezed my neck. “Don’t fucking beg. It’s pathetic! Once they’ve been inspected, we will have someone come in and clean them up. Make them presentable for tomorrow night. Then they will go home with their rightful owners.”

I guess that answered the question if Dad was working with Pete Hannigan. When Gio found out that Pete was getting girls to agree to auctions, he was concerned that it would lead to this…unwilling girls and women being sold. Dad and Pete had denied it, but it was true. All of it was fucking true.

Tears ran down the girls’ cheeks as the two men poked and prodded at them, jotting down notes into a tablet. I’d seen both men acting as Dad’s security at the club. I committed their faces to memory as they molested the girls, touching every inch of their skin, making them cringe and sob.

They were as good as dead–just like the man before me who shared my DNA.

He was fuckingdead. If it was the last thing I did, I would rid the world of this evil man.

I gritted my teeth as the molesters unzipped their pants, stroking themselves above the girls. They wept and Dad smiled as he ripped the tape off their mouths. “Alright, just a little taste, boys. You can’t wreck their pussies and expect them to sell.”

The men descended them, shoving their cocks in their mouths and thrusting.

“No!” I screamed. “Stop, stop, fucking stop it! What do you want me to do to stop this?”

“You want to bargain again, little girl? What makes you so loyal to these strangers? Trust me, tomorrow night they’ll be treated much worse. If anything, we’re giving them a reprieve,” Dad grinned.

“I’ll do whatever you want, just make them stop!” I cried, unable to hold the tears back now that I’d opened the floodgates.

“You’ve always been weak. Just like your mother. A weak, little bitch. This is your punishment. Now sit there and watch, because if you don’t, you’re next. I don’t give a fuck anymore.”

I sunk back on the floor, holding onto the bars of the cell, and watched the hope leave the girls’ eyes, replaced with fear. Replaced with admittance that this was their life now.


“What do you think of her? I did a good job, didn’t I?” The man asked his friend as he buttoned his pants. He spoke in a low voice but I heard every word.

I was curled up in the corner of the room. It was dark and damp and smelled like gym socks and mildew. There was a burning between my legs and my thighs were sticky. I was completely naked, shivering–both from the cold and the pain.

The other man grunted, which seemed to be the extent of his vocabulary. He was gentler than his talkative friend. Imagine that–a gentle rapist.

I swallowed bile and tightened my grasp as I held my knees to my chest. It was as much coverage as I could get, not that it mattered.

They would rape me again as soon as their dicks got hard. At least they were considerate enough to wear condoms.

That had been the cycle for the last few hours–at least I thought it had been hours. It felt like days, but they hadn’t changed from their masquerade costumes, masks and all, so I assumed it had been hours. Hours of being violated, given a break, and raped again. They took turns, and I cringed when it was the talker’s turn.

He was mean. Vicious.

He told me he liked my screams. Told me it made him like me even more.

He was the one shoving pills down my throat when I was still fighting. I’d stopped eventually, because it didn’t fucking matter.

They weren’t going to stop.

His eyes were cold, hard, dark. They were empty.

Even though I couldn’t see his face, I would always remember his eyes.

The other man at least pretended to feel bad as he shoved inside of me. He didn’t seem to enjoy it as much as his friend did. A few of the times he couldn’t come, but he faked it to shut the other guy up and stop his goading.

After a while, I had shut down. I couldn’t stay present any longer. I couldn’t comprehend what was happening to me. How my own father could put me in this place with these men and subject me to the worst punishment of my life.

My virginity was gone, not that I was saving it for anyone special, but I had hoped to give it to someone worthy. SomeoneIchose whenIwanted to give it up.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic