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I could at least hear what Bash had to say. He knew a lot about me. He knew my biggest secret, which meant he had dirt on other people too. I needed to know how he knew all that shit.

Bash: Want to recreate that pic your boy sent me? ;) That was hot as fuck.

I could kill Kane for that stunt he pulled, although he wouldn’t be doing that again anytime soon.

Me: GFY :)

Bash: Oh I do, staring at the pic imagining I was the one who made that mess ;)

“What do you think?” Gemma asked with a hopeful smile on her face.

“What? Sorry, work thing.”

Her smile dropped slightly. “Isaidwe should go as an angel and the devil. I’d be the devil and you’d be an angel.”

“Duh. If I dressed as the devil, it’d just be a regular Thursday night,” I laughed. “It sounds good butifwe go, I can’t stay long. I have to be somewhere at eight.”

“You could at least go for a little bit. You could get me in! Kane won’t tell you no.”

“Gem, it’s your. Fucking. House! Stop acting like you won’t get in.”

“You know how Kane can be.”

“Ignore him. He’ll be too occupied with his woman.”

Gemma laughed before looking at her brother, who was staring at us with a grim expression on his face.

I went back to my phone, which had buzzed with a parting text from Bash.

Bash: Can’t wait to see you there, Killer ;)

My eyes rolled–again. Fuck, at the rate I was going, theyweregoing to get stuck like that.

Chapter 29


Themainfloorofthe house looked amazing. I wish I could take credit for it, but it was all done by the event coordinators I hired to make the place fit for a bash that everyone had been looking forward to since Halloween last year.

The light bulbs had all been replaced with black and purple lights. There were fake spiderwebs adorning every nook and cranny, and all up the staircase. The fog machine was a nice touch, too. Soon everyone who was anyone would be showing up to drink my booze and smoke my weed.

I didn’t give a shit about the party. Most years I went upstairs with Theo, Noah, and a few chicks and chilled. Maybe got my dick sucked while I got drunk.

Dad wanted me to keep up appearances with my peers. A lot of students at CG Prep had important parents–meaning I had to pretend that I liked their kids and supply them with a good time at least once a year. He was willing to let his house get trashed for the cause.

I was in my living room, relaxing for a minute before I had to put on my “costume”, which was just my normal clothes with a pair of fangs. There was a knock on the door followed by boots coming up the stairs. I glanced over as Noah made his way up.

“Are you sick?” I asked, taking in his paler-than-usual complexion. He looked a little green–and it wasn’t from costume paint.

“I need to tell you something,” Noah said as he sat on the couch beside me. I was in the middle of tipping a beer back, my eyes narrowing on him as I wiped my mouth.


“I know you and Dani have been hooking up or whatever,” he started. He ran his hands through his short black hair, tugging at the strands and making me twitch with his nervousness. “I didn’t want to do it this way but she won’t stop bothering me.”

“What?” I repeated, slamming my beer bottle down on the coffee table.

“Yeah…um, we’ve been sort of screwing around for the last few months. I’ve been trying to cut it off because I know you’ve beenseeingher too, but she won’t give it up.”

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic