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Dani’s eyes consumed me, her dirt-covered chest rising and falling, holding my attention. My eyes scanned her body, stopping at the mark on her forehead. “Did he hit you?”

She rubbed the spot. “Oh that? No, I hit my head trying to push his ass into the trunk. I’m used to having you around to do my heavy lifting,” she smiled, launching dirt up onto the pile.

“Why didn’t you wait until tomorrow? It was fucking stupid of you to do this on your own.”

“I did just fine without your help. And how did you know I was here? Did you track me?”

“As soon as I saw the little dot on the GPS app, I knew what you’d done,” I grunted as I dug in the dirt.

“What about your fancy dinner?”

“Well your dad showed up, which was weird as hell considering he has nothing to do with the deal…”

“Gemma said he might show. He’s up to something,” Dani sighed. “I think he’s getting antsy. With his partner-in-crime dead, he needs to make up for his lack of income.”

The partner-in-crime she referred to was Pete Hannigan. We knew Pete and Dante had a tight relationship, but we could never prove Dante was in on theauctionsPete was conducting behind Dad’s back. Pete wanted to expand his idea and Dante was all for it. Dad said the last thing we needed was to involve ourselves in something that could easily turn into sex trafficking. Dante was furious, but Dad killed Pete and there wasn’t anything Dante could do about it after that.

“Do you know what they did? Pete and your dad?”

“He never told me shit, but I have a feeling they were trying to set up a trafficking ring. Pete was just too stupid to seal the deal. My dad’s probably trying to find a new partner. He needs money. He knows Gio won’t do it, so he’s searching elsewhere.”

“Fuck, I wouldn’t put it past Arlington to do something like that. The ones who try to apper squeaky clean are always the dirtiest,” I said just as a rain droplet fell on my cheek. “Something weird happened though. He asked about you.”

“Who, my dad?”

“No. Lauren’s dad.”

“Why would he ask about me? I have no fucking clue who he is. I’ve never met him,” she scoffed.

“Are you sure? He definitely knew you. Or knewofyou.”

“I’m fucking sure, Kane. Don’t you think I would’ve told you if I knew Lauren Arlington’s dad?”

Yeah, she would’ve. So how the fuck did he know her? Maybe he saw her working at Ethereal–not that he would be caught dead hanging out at the club, but there could’ve been a night he snuck in to check it out.

The sky opened and rain started pouring, turning the dirt hole into a mud pit.

“The hole’s big enough. Let’s dump the scumbag and get out of here,” I said as I hauled myself over the side. I held my hand out and pulled Dani from the hole. We shoved numbnuts into it and he landed with athud.

“Do I want to know how you did it?” I asked as we finished filling in the hole. I did want to know, as indicated by my eyes that slid down to her pouty mouth.

“Scarlettwent to Fat Cats and seduced him in less than five seconds. He was drunk off his ass, so she didn’t have to work too hard to get him in the trunk,” she grinned.

“I love Scarlett. She’s fucking hot. That red hair…” I said, toying with the elastic of her panties. We were getting rained on, water droplets sliding down our bare skin, surrounded by dead bodies, and I couldn’t stop thinking about sliding my dick into her pussy.

“Scarlettwas a bad girl. She used her brass knuckles to punch Otis in the stomach and back a few times–you know, in places where no one would see.” Dani’s hands moved up my abs to my shoulders. “And then she took her knife and sliced right across…here,” she said as her finger drew a line on my neck.

“Sounds like Scarlett needs to be punished,” I said as I grabbed her hips and pulled her into my rock-hard cock.

There was something about this girl that made me animalistic. I wanted to fuck her every chance I got. With the shit going on at home, that wouldn’t be as often as I’d like.

“Then maybe you should punish her,” Dani said right before her hand slipped under my boxers. She squeezed my shaft and I picked her up, my fingers digging into the flesh of her ass. I brought her to the front of the car she stole and plopped her ass on the hood.

“You were a bad girl going behind my back tonight,” I said as I gripped her neck, the tattoos on my hand creating the perfect necklace. “Turn around.”

Her eyes darkened and a smile tugged on her lips as she spun around. I pushed her onto the hood of the car and kicked her legs apart, shoving her panties to the side. I gripped my cock and rubbed the head against her folds. She was hot for me, groaning as I pushed against her clit. “I should fuck you until you’re about to come and then pull out over and over again. I should torture you for doing something so dangerous by yourself.”

I smacked her ass and she groaned.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic