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“His name is Otis Johnson. He doesn’t reallywork, but he’s in a motorcycle club. He goes there every day and drinks. Probably screws whores behind my mom’s back,” Rachel explained.

My eyes shot to Kane’s as Rachel handed me her phone to show me a picture of Otis. Rachel’s step-dad was a member of that certainmotorcycle clubwe all knew and hated. The Savage Sinners MC headquartered here in Castle Grove.

In the photo he was smiling, wearing his cut and standing next to his bike. He looked like an average guy. Light brown hair that was in need of a wash and haircut. A little stocky. He looked normal–if you didn’t know the signs.

The eyes were in fact the windows to the soul, and Otis’ were dark. I could feel his darkness through the photo. There was more to him than Rachel was telling us. Something worse than leaving bruises on her.

Rachel continued to give us details about him. How he would spend every weekend at the clubhouse but slept at home during the week. How he fixed up old cars and drank whiskey for hobbies. How he shot pool at a bar downtown every Wednesday night. How he got a little too friendly sometimes.

“There’s one other thing,” Rachel said, swallowing thickly. “Sometimes…sometimes he’ll come into my room when he gets home. And he’s…nice. He thinks he’s being nice. He’ll…touch me.”

“Has he raped you?” I asked as a red cloud covered my vision. I knew it. I knew there was evil lurking in those eyes. It didn’t fucking matter if he raped her or not, he violated her. But I had to know.

“No but…every time he does it, I feel like he’s getting closer to it. Like he’s pushing the limit, testing the boundary.” She shivered. “I’m afraid that next time will be the time it happens.”

Kane told her we had to do some research and planning, but that we would help her. Usually we didn’t do anything for free. We would even work for secrets sometimes, but when it came to our peers–to kids–we did this shit for free.

Once Rachel was gone and Kane was on his fifth or sixth cigarette, I slumped back on the seat. “We need to get to him fast. We can grab him Wednesday when he’s at the bar. Nice and easy.”

“I can’t do it Wednesday,” Kane said without further explanation.

I narrowed my eyes at him but he looked forward out the window. “Why can’t you do it Wednesday? It’s the perfect opportunity. He won’t be at the clubhouse.”


It was because ofher.

“I have plans.”

“Plans? What plans? Something at the club?” I asked, knowing he didn’t have shit to do at Ethereal until the weekend.

“No,” he sighed. “The Arlingtons are coming over for dinner on Wednesday. It won’t be just an hour dinner either. Knowing my dad, it’ll be a big fucking production.”

“Oh.” I let out a quiet laugh. I wasn’t going to miss out on my meeting with Ashtyn on Thursday. I would take care of Otis on my own on Wednesday whether Kane liked it or not.


“That’s fine, I don’t need your help,” I said as I jumped from the car and slammed the door. I was almost to the quad when a hand gripped my arm and spun me around.

“You’re not doing this alone, Dani. That’s not the fucking deal. We do this shit together.”

I bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to show my hand. What Kane didn’t know was that I dida lotof this shit alone. A lot.

My body count was, well, I didn’t keep an exact count, but it was up there. And Kane didn’t need to know that.

“I’ll take care of it, Kane. You do the hard part and eat a fancy dinner with your future in-laws. I’ll do the real work and take care ofactualproblems.” I patted his shoulder in the most patronizing way and turned to leave.

He pulled me back against him. His dick was hard again. The dude was insatiable. “We’ll talk about it later. In my bed. Youwillbe there. I’m not done with you yet.” I bit my lip and tried to pull away but was yanked back again. “If you have any ideas about avoiding me tonight, I’ll rip you from your bed and fuck you in the yard so everyone can see it. Don’t think I won’t.”

Kane released me and gave a little shove forward. I walked back into school, clenching my thighs at the thought of his punishments.

Chapter 20


“Doyoutwowantto explain this?” Dad asked as he tossed a pile of photos in front of me and Dani.

He called a meeting at the house–and included Dante and Dominic–and didn’t say what it was about. Apparently it was about the fact that I fucked Dani in the back of my SUV at school earlier. There were pictures of her getting out of the car with her shirt unbuttoned, and me following behind fastening my pants.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic