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Xavier threw his hands up in surrender. “I’m just saying, look at who her best friend is. Not really the best influence.”

“Fuck off, X,” Dominic said as he took another drag.

He wasn’t wrong, but Dani was just as committed to keeping my sister protected as I was. She didn’t want Gemma doing the things she did. She wasn’t a corrupter–she was a shield. Always had been, even when we were kids. Dani took the heat foreverythingthose two got up to. My parents didn’t give two fucks about what they did, but Dante? He’d always been vicious, and he looked for any excuse to dole out punishments to his daughter.

“I don’t mean anything bad by it, bro. But you know what your sister does on the reg.”

“You know…I’d love to go my whole lifenot knowingwhat my sister looks like in lingerie,” Dominic shuddered.

“I’m sure she would love that for you too,” I chuckled.

“Ilike knowing what your sister looks like in lingerie,” X laughed, punching Dom’s arm.


“I wish you would just fuck her out of your system so I didn’t have to hear this shit anymore,” Dom muttered.

I lit up a joint of my own. “Trust me, that doesn’t work.”

Two sets of eyes shot to me, and I looked back and forth between them.

“You fucked my sister?” Dominic gritted.

I shrugged with one shoulder. “Oops, wasn’t supposed to tell.”

Dani would be fucking pissed, but I was fucking pissed that she was ignoring me. That she blew me off like what happened between us didn’t mean anything.

“I knew you always wanted to. Can’t believe you grew some balls and did it,” Xavier smiled. “I’m proud of you, man.”

I was sensing a theme–that everyone saw something I never did. Or I thought I hid it better than I did. It was like there was a neon sign pointing to my hard dick whenever that raven-haired seductress was in the room.

“Take it from me, fucking her once isn’t enough,” I looked at Dom and he had steam coming from his ears. “Sorry.”

I wasn’t sorry. I was drunk and on the way to getting stoned. I was horny, and the only person I wanted didn’t want me.

I could have anyone–except her.

Dom let out a big breath. “Considering her track record, if you and her were to…get together or whatever, I wouldn’thateit. You’re better than any other guy she’s been with.”

Even though the bar was pretty fucking low, his comment still made me feel an inkling of pride. I wasn’t about toget togetherwith his sister, but I was ready to get inside her again.

My cock was relentless in the pursuit of her pussy.

“I don’t think you have anything to worry about, anyway,” X chirped. “She didn’t look all that into it when she ran out the door.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said under my breath. She could run from me, but she couldn’t erase what I knew. She couldn’t erase the memory of her body’s responsiveness to mine. How even tonight, her breath hitched when my pinky touched her silky thigh. How her eyes roamed my body, drinking me in, tempting her.

She might reject me with her words, and I was sure her pride was bruised because of the leech I had to deal with at school, but it was only a matter of time before she caved.

“Kane?Didyouhearanything I just said?” Lauren bemoaned as she swatted my arm. She was annoyed that I wasn’t listening to her–again.

It was hard to concentrate on her nasally voice, especially because she loved to bitch about anything and everything. It was exhausting.

“No,” I answered, my eyes never leavingFinley, the shaggy-haired stoner who was showing Dani how to skateboard at lunch. His hands were on her hips and she was smiling, like she was actually having fun with the nerd.

“Can you at least pretend to be interested in what I’m saying for like, a minute?” Lauren growled.

We were on our lunch break sitting at one of the picnic tables outside. I’d been trying to mind my own business since the weekend, but I was drawn toheragainst my own will. It was like I had no control over my body anymore. The more she avoided me, the more I wanted her.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic