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“But it’s not real tohim. Isn’t that what matters?”

I rolled my eyes at his sensible logic. Once we got to our classroom, he spun me so I was facing him. He kept his hands on my shoulders so I couldn’t take off.

“He told me about what happened between you two last night. And you know what? He was worried about how you’d react to Lauren. He didn’t want you to be mad at him. I’ve known Kane for a lot of years, and I’ve never seen him give a flying fuck about what someone else thought about his actions. That means something.”

“It’s cool, Theo. It’s just a little unnerving seeing the guy who railed me into a wall last night making out with the girl who dumped his brother when he got paralyzed.”

“I know, babe. It’s fucked up. But try and cut him some slack,” Theo said, his usually chipper mood turned down.

“You don’t know me very well, do you?” I grinned as he hauled me into class.

Havingclasswiththehappy couplewas almost as nauseating as having lunch with them. I couldn’t stop my eyes from looking at them. It was like a train wreck. I couldn’tnotlook. And the more I looked, the more I stewed about it all. By the time last period rolled around, I was ready to fucking explode.

Lauren kept a hand on Kane. All. Fucking. Day.

In the hallway, she was attached to his arm. At lunch, she sat on his lap. I had three of six classes with them and it was fucking torturous.

Both Kane and Lauren were in my last class of the day–PE–along with Gemma, Noah, and Theo. We were mid-way through the gymnastics lesson plan, which was easy as fuck for me considering how much I trained on a pole.

My balance was impeccable and I knew how to throw my weight around.

The guys in class, however…they were more of a comedic relief than anything. Most of them acted like it was a joke and they couldn’tpossiblyperform a basic-ass cartwheel.

Gemma and I were in the locker room getting changed for class when I heard a familiar, nasally voice from the set of lockers next to ours.

“Kane is so hot. Oh my god, we can’t keep our hands off each other,” Lauren bellowed, making sure the whole damn locker room could hear her.

I chuckled as I laced up my sneakers. Gemma rolled her eyes and motioned to her mouth with her finger, like the thought of Lauren and her brother made her want to puke.

Me too, sister.

Once we were dressed in our CG Prep-approved gym attire of black spandex shorts and a gray t-shirt–which every girl knotted to expose a little skin–we went to the gym to wait for instruction.

The class was boring as fuck, mostly because half the students couldn’t do any of the activities, and the other half didn’t care enough to even try. Our teacher, Mr. White, was too old to give a shit. He would tell us what we were supposed to do, but then would go to his office and doze off for the rest of class.

Gemma and I each grabbed a stretch mat and walked to our usual spot–the back–and started to stretch.

“I can’t fucking stand her, Dani. I think I’m going to lose it,” Gemma growled as she watched Lauren walk into the gym flanked by a few of her friends. Gemma was clearly unaware of the arrangement Kane made with their dad. She thought the relationship was real.

“Mark my words, I’m going to beat her ass before the year is over,” I said as I leaned forward and touched my toes.

“You better. Or I will.”

The guys walked in together and bypassed the stretch mats, opting to sit on the bleachers near us. Noah drooled as Gemma leaned forward. Poor guy had it so bad for her and couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

I felt Kane’s eyes burning the back of my head. I turned to check and yup, he was staring. His dark eyes met mine and I smirked. Theo wanted me tocut him some slack, but that wasn’t my style.

I liked my revenge with a side of pettiness.

I went through a yoga phase a few years ago before my real training began. I was rusty, but I remembered a few poses.

I stood up and faced the wall, my back to the bleachers, and did a little downward facing dog. I reached forward and put my hands on the mat, ass in the air, and held the pose for a few seconds. Once I did that a couple of times, I did the splits and stretched forward. I couldn’t help the smile on my face. Couldn’t fucking help it.

Kane was still staring at me, this time with his leg crossed concealing his cock in his black athletic shorts, smirking at my stretch routine.

“Ugh, I wish I was as flexible as you,” Gemma whined.

Lauren walked up to Kane, waiting for him to notice her in her gym clothes that were way too small. She looked at me and narrowed her eyes. She sat on the bench in front of him, but he didn’t look at her. He was looking at me.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic