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Xavier adjusted his junk and smiled. “Fuck, it should be illegal to be that hot.”

“Dude, that’s my sister,” Dominic shuddered.

“So what? I’m still gonna fuck her.” He turned his focus to me. “You tap that yet, Kane? I know you’ve been wanting to since your balls dropped.”

Always with the tact, that one.

“Why are you worried about my dick, X?”

“That’s a no, then. Too bad. Her cunt is so sweet. And she’s the only one who’s ever fed my depravity,” Xavier said with a wink.

“Didn’t look like she was interested in you,” I said as I swirled the ice in my whiskey-less glass. “From the way she came on my fingers the other day, I’d say we’re due for a repeat real soon. And you’re right, her pussy is sweet.”

Xavier’s eyes hardened and no-name slouched in her seat. I knew he and Dani screwed around a few times–dude wouldn’t stop talking about it–but it’d been at least a year ago. In my opinion, he liked to fuck with her because he knew it irritated me, and the fucker loved to piss me off.

I held X’s stare until Dominic shoved out of his chair. “Fuck this. I’ll be at the bar. Once y’all are done talking about my sister’s magical pussy, let me know so we can play some poker.”

Chapter 12


IsteeledmyselfasI prepared to go into Gio’s home office for a meeting. The poker tournament went as I expected. I had to serve drinks to old men who got a little too handsy and did my best to avoidhim.

I was dressed like me for once. Black jeans and one of Mom’s old Gilchrist Point University t-shirts. I wore her clothes, what little was left, like armor. Dad burned almost all of her things after she died. I managed to swipe a few t-shirts and one sweatshirt before he got to her closet.

It was like holding the memory of her in my hands, and I clung to it like a lifeline. When the world I lived in got to be too much, I would put on one of her shirts and pretend like she didn’t leave me to deal with this on my own.

It was a small assemblance of peace, the smallest I could muster most days, as lame as that sounded.

The door was open and Gio was at his desk, tapping away on his computer. He looked up at me and pushed his glasses to the top of his head. “Come in. Shut the door.”

His office was the size of a small apartment. The walls were lined with bookshelves and plants, and there was a long rectangular table with office chairs surrounding it. If I didn’t know better, I’d think it was a boardroom where executives made decisions. Gio’s desk was on the far side of the room, and he had a fish tank that held a variety of tropical fish.

I froze for a moment when I saw the figure sitting in a chair opposite Gio. It was the dark-haired brooding asshole I’d been avoiding for a day and a half.

“Have a seat,” Gio instructed.

Kane kept his eyes on his father as I sat in the chair beside him.

“Do you have anything for me from last night?”

“Not really. It seemed like everyone was there to have a good time. I did notice the short old guy with the earrings appeared toget lostlooking for the restroom. Could’ve been snooping around.”

Gio laced his fingers and beamed with pride. “Maddox Winthrop. Yes, he’s far too smart to get lost following the neon signs leading to the bathroom. I’ll have a tail on him this week. See what he’s up to.”

“Other than that, I didn’t notice anyone else acting sketchy.”

“Good, good. I like to be sure about things like that when I’m inviting men to my private event.” He leaned back in his chair and started swiveling from side to side. Just likehim. “I have an assignment for the two of you.”

“Something more than throwing my ass around the stage?”

“Yes, something important to me. My friend from college, Ernesto Richards, contacted me this week. He has a target he wants taken out, but it’s personal. A man attacked his daughter.” As he spoke, Gio pulled up an image on his computer and turned the monitor to us. “Our target. Eddie VanBree. He’s been hitting up clubs and drugging girls, raping them. Ernesto’s daughter being his latest victim.”

Eddie looked like an average guy. Basic height and build, sandy blonde hair that was trimmed and styled neatly.

I didn’t question if Gio was sure that Eddie was the guy who attacked Ernesto’s daughter. If he was bringing the target to me, he’d already done research, surveillance, and knew for a fact this guy was guilty.

“I have it on good authority that he’ll be at Ethereal on Tuesday. We can’t give him another opportunity to hurt anyone else,” Gio explained. “Kane will do the heavy lifting. Danica, you’re the bait.”

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic