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Like she had a right to know about my whereabouts.

When I didn’t answer right away, she wrapped her arm around my waist and pushed her firm tits against my side. She stood on her toes to whisper in my ear. “I didn’t get to give you your present.”


“Mhmmmm,” she purred as her finger trailed the waistband of my khakis. She glanced over to make sure her dad wasn’t watching us. He was deep in conversation, not paying attention to his daughter trying to seduce me on the green.

“Sorry I missed that,” I lied.

Lauren was a beautiful girl. Woman, whatever. Fucking her would probably be okay, but I didn’t do girls like Lauren. Rich, uppity snobs weren’t my thing, and her clinginess was a huge turnoff. Unfortunately, I was surrounded by two powerful men who wanted me to do everything I could to make her happy.

“There’s always next time,” she said before slamming her open mouth on mine. Her tongue was furious, lashing me and punishing, attempting to stir some craving within me.

It didn’t.

It didn’t feel right. Her tongue was too wet, her mouth too rigid, and her claws in my chest didn’t get my dick hard.

She pulled away and smiled as if to saymission accomplished.

Except it wasn’t because I was more determined than ever to never let that happen again.

“Alright, Lauren,” her father barked.

She shot away from me and sauntered up to the clubhouse.

We began our round, and I was just as bad as I remembered. Dad was okay, but Arnold smoked all of us. I mean, his name was on part of the club, so I expected as much. Dad and Arnold discussed bullshit like the upcoming election, the weather…

“About last night,” Arnold began.Here we fucking go.“That shit you pulled will not happen again. No daughter of mine will be left unattended in a place like Ethereal.”

Dad cut in before I could respond. “My apologies, Arnold. Itwill nothappen again.”

“Will all due respect, Mr. Arlington,” I began, the words curdling on my tongue. “I’m not dating your daughter. I’ve attended two events with her but that’s the extent of it. I have no interest in dating Lauren.”

Arnold and Dad began to laugh and I looked between both of them. In an instant, Arnold’s face turned solemn. “We’ve come to an agreement, your father and me, and youwilldate my daughter. You will watch out for her and protect her until she goes to college next year.” Arnold took a step closer to me, sizing me up, judging the fuck out of me. “You may not like Lauren, but you will treat her with respect. Over the summer, I found out she was involved with the Savage Sinners, that motorcycle club across town. My daughter has always had a soft spot for…bad boys. She lets them take advantage of her. That’s not going to happen any longer. And your family is not the only one with enemies.”

“We can get her a bodyguard if that’s what she needs.” I looked at Dad for backup but he just smiled as Arnold continued.

“I have plenty of guards. If it were that easy, it’d already be done. I need someone to distract her from her boy toy in the Sinners. That’s where you come in. Wine her, dine her. Fuck her. I don’t care. Just keep her attention focused away from those heathens,” Arnold spat, his face reddening. “I’d like to put a bullet in the guy she’s been seeing, but he’s the VP of the club. If I kill him, I’ll have the entire organization coming at me.”

“How’d she get involved with him?” Dad asked.

“Lauren…likes to find ways to punish me,” Arnold grimaced. “She knows how much I despise the motorcycle club. I’ve been fighting against the Sinners since before I held office. They’ve steadily grown their operations which directly conflicts with your family’s. This arrangement is mutually beneficial.”

“That it is,” said Dad. I shot him a look but he wasn’t looking in my direction at all.

“I’ll make sure all permits and approvals are pushed through. You will have first shot at land and building purchases within the city. You give me ten percent of revenue generated in Castle Grove–along with dating my daughter and keeping her out of harm’s way–and we’ll both see our bank accounts flourish,” said Arnold.

“So I’ll be her fucking babysitter,” I stated.

“Don’t think for a second I want my daughter associated with you, either. But this arrangement makes us both a lot of money and we keep the Sinners on a short leash. Like I said, mutually beneficial. I don’t want Lauren becoming some biker whore. At least if she’s with you, I know she will have some dignity.”

Not really.

Fuck, the deal was good for us. Having the city commissioner on our side would help us grow and develop. His brother being chief of police meant we got a head’s up if there was ever a raid at one of our locations or at a drop.

The only problem was having to be around his daughter.

“We work together and we can run the Sinners right out of town. They have no allies here, just enemies,” Dad said. “My brother and his buddy are working on cutting off their pipelines in Gilchrist Point. They will have nothing left. No income, no friends. I heard a rumor that Eli Evans is looking to purchase the land one block over from Ethereal.”

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic