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“She’s safesthere, where I can keep an eye on her. Her mother sure as fuck doesn’t. She’s always off on hervacations,” Eli huffed.

“Dad, you don’t need to say anything else. I’ll just hide in my room like I used to. You won’t even know I’m here.”

Pffft.I could see right through her. She wasn’t the same girl she was two years ago. She’d always had fire inside of her, but she kept it muted. She was shy.

And she sure as fuck wasn’t anymore.

Probably had something to do with what I put her through before she left.

I saw it in her glowering, light green eyes. I saw it in the way she put her hand on her hip, tons of attitude and sass.

I scolded my cock for coming to life again. Little fucker was obsessed with Emilia.

“There’s plenty of room for everyone to coexist,” Eli said as he kissed Emilia’s forehead. “And once we get going on the expansion, there will be even more of it. So let’s make the best of our new arrangements.”

“Baby,” Lauren whined as she wrapped her arm around my torso. I'd forgotten she was even here. My body stiffened–and not in the good way–as her scent climbed up my nose. The chick practicallybathedin perfume. “Can you give me a ride home?”

“No,” I said flatly. “You can wait outside for an Uber. Or better yet, call yourdaddy. I’m sure he would be happy to send a car here.”

Her mouth dropped as I shoved away from her, heading for the bar. I needed a fucking drink as I tried to wrap my head around the thoughts of living with Emilia again.

“You’re such a fucking asshole, Gabe! Screw you,” Lauren cried as she stomped to the main door.

“No thanks. Been there, done that. Not going back for more.” I rounded the bar and pulled out a bottle of something clear, popped the top, and took a swig. As I set it down, I was met with furious green eyes.

“You really are something,Gabe,” Emilia said with disdain.

“Don’t call me that.”

“That’s your name, isn’t it?”

“I’m heading to my room for the night. You kids have fun,” Eli chuckled. He muttered something aboutbeing too old for this shitas he went down the hallway toward the bedrooms.

He basically did the equivalent of pulling a pin on a grenade, dropping it, and walking away by bringing her here. I wasn’t kidding when I said it wasn’t safe. Was she safe in the clubhouse? Fuck yeah, but I didn’t think for a second she was going to stay hidden away forever.

We had enemies crawling all over this town. At least when she was with her mom in Fremont, she was away from it all.

We were in a silent standoff, neither of us even daring to blink, right up until Bash put his arm around Emilia and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“I for one am glad you’re here, Emmy.” He ruffled her hair, making her laugh. Again.

“Thanks Bash. I’ve missed everyone. Well,almosteveryone.” Her eyes flicked to me for a moment.

“Are you ready to party or what? Let’s celebrate your arrival,” Bash said as his eyes sparkled. What the fuck was his problem? He was supposed to be on my side, not fraternizing with the enemy.

Okay, that was a bit dramatic, but she irritated me in a way no one else did. And she hated me for obvious fucking reasons, which meant my best friend shouldn't be sucking up to her right now.

“I would but I was invited to a party. Harley’s picking me up in a bit.”

“You’ve already been invited to a party? You just got here,” I gritted.See, I knew she wouldn’t stick around the clubhouse.“Where’s it at? Who’s all going to be there?”

“Relax,dad. It’s just a house party with some kids Harley goes to school with.” Emilia slowly inched her way to the hallway, looking at me like I was an annoying gnat that wouldn’t leave her alone.

Which is exactly what I was most of the time.

Harley was the daughter of one of our members. She’d been around the clubhouse since she was a kid, just like Emilia. Harley was a bad influence though. She was reckless, always getting into trouble. She had no business dragging Emilia to some stupid high school party.

“You need to chill, bro. You remember what high school was like. It wasn’t that long ago,” Bash said as he patted my shoulder. I scowled, because he didn’t take anything seriously.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic