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We wanted them to be sitting ducks.

I also called Uncle Oliver and had him come to the den to help Dad. I still wasn’t sure who I could trust and that fucking hurt worse than anything.

“I gotta go, Dad,” I said as I helped Bash get on his feet.

We needed to get the fuck out of here and get my girl back.

“I’m calling in a few favors. Those motherfuckers don’t know who they’re messing with,” Dad groaned from the floor.

Bash chuckled. “I’m calling in a few too. Now come on, lover boy. Let’s go get your girl.”

Chapter 45



The smell of mildew assaulted me, infiltrating my nose and bringing back a haunting memory I’d done my best to lock out of my mind. I lifted my head, noting I had been sleeping, er,knocked out, while sitting up, creating a harsh kink in my neck. My eyes regained focus and I took in the scene around me.

I was in a warehouse. The same one from three years ago. There were three evil monsters standing across the space, two of them frantically shouting, throwing their hands around in distress.

“Why hasn’t the MC taken care of them yet? You told me they would do it! You said it would happen by tonight.” Dad shouted.

“We’re handling it! When I give the command, our men will take out the Morettis at their home. They’ll plant evidence framing the Sinners since they didn’t take the bait. That’ll be their punishment for not cooperating. It’s done, Dante. Stop fucking worrying about it!” Arnold shouted back.

My guts twisted at his presence. The evil person who stole so much from me. From the look of things–and my hands being bound behind my back–I’d say he was back for round two.

“I’ve put a lot on the line for this, Arlington. You can sit there in your glass house looking down on us like we’re the scum of the town. Just remember, I know a lot about you. I know all your dirty little secrets–one of them being my fucking kid.”

My father, my hero.

Fucking gag.

I groaned at the aching in my body. The smell of blood drying on my skin made me want to vomit. I wasn’t squeamish when it came to bodily fluids, so the nausea was likely a result of my immediate future. It wasn’t looking good for me–but I wasn’t about to give up.

The last thing I remembered was realizing Arnold was one of my rapists and needing to get some air. I ran to the patio and almost passed out. A man came up to me and acted like he was going to help me, and then he proceeded to beat the shit out of me before hauling me away.

I was fucking pissed I let someone touch me like that. Why the fuck did I train for an ungodly amount of hours every week if I couldn’t defend myself?

“Just calm the fuck down!” Arnold yelled.

The third man, the one who beat me up, cracked open the heavy door, peering outside. “Do you think they followed us?”

I noted the similarities between him and Arnold and I could only assume he was his brother.

The low tone of his voice…I recognized it. Realization dawned on me as I identified my second rapist. Lauren’s uncle.

“No one followed us because I shot at them and created the distraction we needed. They didn’t see which way we went. You’re welcome. I gave you what you wanted and now you give me what I want,” Dad snarled.

Fuck, he shot them. Tears pricked my eyes at the thought of them not being okay. Of Dad hurting people that I loved. Again.

He shot the only people who would help me. If I didn’t get the fuck out of here, I was as good as dead, and if my memory served me correctly–which I knew it did–we were surrounded by woods. Miles and miles of trees surrounded this warehouse, making an escape that much more difficult.

Of course I’d have to get my hands free before I needed to worry about finding help outside of here. And then there were the three assholes guarding the door.

I pushed my palms together, trying to gauge the amount of slack I had. Practically none. I’d gotten out of zip ties before, but it was when my hands were in front of me and I could see what the fuck I was doing. If I could find a way to press the plastic tongue in the tie, I could yank my hands apart and get it loose.

“Whatyouwant?” I heard the humor in Arnold’s tone. He paced in front of Dad as Isaac continued to look out the door. He was nervous as hell yet he didn’t dare interrupt his brother. “What you want doesn’t fucking matter, Dante. You were useful but I don’t need you anymore.”

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic