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“Well, gentlemen,” Bash began as we entered the den. “Let’s get the party started, shall we?”

Dante scoffed as he poured a glass of bourbon for himself, ignoring the rest of us.

The air in the room was thick with tension and everyone seemed to be on edge.

“Well?” Arnold spat, his face still red from when he screamed at me.

“I’m glad you invited me to this party, Gio. I’m looking forward to discussing our plans for the future,” Bash smiled as he looked at Arnold and Dante.

Of course no one had any idea all the information Bash had to share. I hated waiting to confront the bastard but we needed backup.

And we still didn’t know who in our ranks was in cahoots with Dante.

“My plans do not include helping the Morettis,” Arnold growled as he looked at me. “I’ve had it with your childish antics. You’ve embarrassed me and my family and you’ve shown absolutely no remorse.”

“Your daughter embarrassed you all on her own. I don’t know how that video got out. Maybe the guy she was playing in the MC did it in retaliation because he thought she was with me. The whole thing could be your fault.”

“Bullshit! I know you were behind it. You couldn’t stand the thought of being with my daughter while that tramp was throwing herself at you. Lauren told me about what happened at the club the other night.”

“Watch your fucking mouth, asshole. We don’t need you or your stupid fucking deals.”

“Kane!” Dad scolded me but I ignored him, keeping my eyes on the shitstain standing in front of me.

“Arnold, please. You don’t have to worry about them anymore,” Dante said casually.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Dad asked.

Dante laughed and rolled his eyes. “Arnold and I have worked something out. I knew Kane would blow it, so I got with Arnold and made my own arrangements.”

“And what might that be?” Dad asked as sweat lined his forehead. He clenched his jaw, making it twitch with anger. “How long have you been plotting behind my back? After everything I’ve done for you.”

“Speaking of which,” Bash interrupted, pulling a thumb drive from his pocket. “I have something you may want to see, Gio. Your good friend has been doing more than plotting against you. He got my brother caught up in his shit and he paid for it with his life.”

“The fuck you talking about, son? I’ve been nothing but fair to you,” Dante said as he slammed his glass on the drink cart and stalked to Bash.

“I have proof you commissioned my brother to kill Gio’s son, Bobby. And I know you were the one to put the hit out on Marco.”

“So fucking what?” Dante chuckled, like the entire scene was amusing to him. “Let’s be adults and figure out how we’re going to proceed. Do you want to play with the big boys, Bash? Or do you want to be high and mighty like my friend Gio? I’ll tell you how you’ll get further in life. It’s not by being a good person.”

“Tell me you didn’t try to kill Bobby,” Dad pleaded, his dark eyes filled with betrayal.

“He did, Dad!” I yelled, getting in his face. “Don’t you see what a monster he is? Look at what he’s done to his own daughter!”

Dante huffed, a smirk still on his face. He looked at Bash who was all-out scowling now. “I guess you made your decision. I’ll be sure to set up a meeting with Dominguez next week and smooth everything over. I’ll give you time to pout, but once you’re ready to act like a man, you have my number.”

“This is all a fucking game to you, isn’t it?” I gritted. I wanted to rip this motherfucker’s head off. He’d been the one to hurt my brother—to almost kill him—and for that, he deserved to die.

“It’s not a game, boy. It’s life. And your father is too weak to sustain what I want to do in this town. That’s why Arnold and I will work so well together. This is all very entertaining, but I have things to do tonight.” He pulled out a gun from his waistband and sniffed the barrel. Instinctively, we all reached for our pieces but Dante aimed his at each of us.

“The van’s waiting for us,” Arnold announced as he adjusted his cufflinks casually. As if all the bombs dropped tonight were no fucking skin off his back.

I guess they weren’t. Whether it be Dad or Dante partnering with him, he would still get what he wanted. Influence in the underground of the city and a cut of all profits.

All eyes looked outside at the black van. The door slid open and that’s when I saw her.

My girl, unconscious, her hands bound behind her back and her head tipped to the side.

Bash and I both ran for the door that led outside when a bullet zipped past my ear. We stopped in our tracks as Dante waved his gun at us.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic