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“Here, I’ll help you tighten that,” Alana said with a smile, offering to secure the corset portion of the gown. She loved shit like this and she spared no expense hiring professional hair stylists and makeup artists to doll us up for the big night.

“Mom, you still need to get dressed. Dad will be mad if we’re late,” Gemma said as she adjusted herself in the full-length mirror. She was ready, her blonde hair in a loose braid with tendrils that curled around her face, makeup done to perfection.

I insisted on leaving my dark hair down, allowing the stylist to curl a few pieces to give me some beachy waves. I couldn’t stand having my hair in a fancy updo. It just wasn’t me.

“Thanks,” I said as Alana tugged on the laces of my dress, extracting the last bit of oxygen I had in my lungs and probably breaking a rib.

“I’m ready to go, I just need to put my dress on. Don’t worry so much, Gem.”

We were all worried but not because of our lack of punctuality. Gemma and I discussed the night and what to do if shit went south. I told her to toss her heels and run. I told her to look for anyone wearing a cut, hop on the back of their bike, and ride out of there like a bat out of hell. The Sinners were supposed to be around, but there was no way they’d be allowed admittance on the property where the ball was held. It’d be surrounded by Winston McKinley’s private security, along with Gio’s, and none of them had the warm fuzzies when it came to bikers.

“You both look beautiful,” Alana beamed, taking us both in. She dabbed a tissue under her eye to avoid smearing her recently applied face.

“Mom,” Gemma groaned.

“What? I’m happy you’re both getting along again. I don’t like to see you two at odds. But enough of that talk. I’m going to put my dress on. I’m sure the guys are waiting for us downstairs,” Alana said before going to her room to change.

“You ready?” Gemma asked with a slight smile.

“Yeah. Let’s fucking do this,” I said with false confidence.

Fake it until you make it, right?

“Ican’tbelieveBashis going to have his hands on you all fucking night,” Kane said as he lit a cigarette.

We were standing outside the masquerade venue on the patio–the same one where we shared our first kiss three years ago–along with Gemma and Theo. West and Ashtyn were also there, as were their friends Axel, Bronx, Cade, and Gabby. Noah was around somewhere but wouldn’t even make eye contact with us. He was being a baby considering I was prepared to forget about hisplan to ruin my reputation and love lifething, but instead he chose to avoid us.


He had some shit to work through and with Lauren lurking in the shadows, he was understandably walking on eggshells.

If Lauren was literally lurking in the shadows here at the ball, I would cut a bitch.

“It’s one last time,” I said as my hands trailed up his hard abdomen and chest. I stood between his legs, appreciating how fucking delicious he looked in a tux.

“It better be,” he mumbled. “You look so beautiful. I wish you were spending tonight with me.”

“I will be,” I smiled, feeling his hardening cock pressed against me. I needed him so badly, his warmth and comfort, because even though I looked calm on the outside, I was a fucking mess on the inside.

I glanced around, peering through the wall of windows to look for the dark, ugly eyes that haunted my nightmares.

“He’ll be here soon,” Kane said, reading my thoughts. Even with a mask covering half of his face, he still looked handsome as hell, and his brown eyes were filled with so much love, it sent my nerves into overdrive.

Or maybe it was the four shots of espresso I drank earlier.

“Kane!” Gio gritted from the door. “Inside. Now.”

Kane sighed and stubbed his cigarette out, putting the butt in his pocket. Even though they stunk, I thought it was sweet he chose not to litter.

“The only good thing about tonight is that I don’t have to deal with Lauren. Her dad on the other hand will probably try to string me up from one of those pillars,” Kane said as he held the door for us.

The ball was held in a massive banquet room with restored wood floors, grand white pillars that lined the walls, and a domed ceiling. It was filled with people wearing expensive gowns and tuxedos, their faces covered with elaborate masks.

The last time I was here–

No, stop.

I couldn’t let my mind wander to the last time, because thinking about the last time would steal the breath from me. It would send shivers down my back and have me looking for the nearest exit. I needed to focus.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic