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“This needs to end now!” Dante yelled as he slammed the office door. “If Gio finds out about what I did, I’m fucked!” A pause. “Don’t tell me to calm down! I thought everything was going to be put in motion by now, otherwise I would’ve handled Bobby. Now he’s going to get surgery. They said he could fucking talk again!”

My blood froze at the mention of my brother. I fisted my hands as Dante continued the conversation.

“She’s been working on Sebastian. His crew is on our side, so don’t fucking worry about that. What else do we need to do to get the MC to attack? I thought you were going to meet with them and tell them Gio was the one to pin last month’s shootout on them?” Another pause.

Dante’s sickening laugh filled my ears. I wanted to jump from the closet and strangle him, but I needed to find a way out of here without tipping him off that I was in his office. The ceiling tiles above me were moveable, so I could probably shimmy my ass out that way.

“I can’t help but feel like I’m getting the short end of the stick. You’ve been getting your girls for months, and here I am, still licking Moretti’s boots. I’m not happy, and you don’t want to fuck with me when I’m not happy. I think you’re milking this shit as long as possible.”

As much as I wanted to stay and keep listening to Dante incriminate himself, I knew I had to get the fuck out of here before I got caught. Stepping my boot on the shelf along the wall, I climbed up and pushed one of the ceiling tiles out of the way. I paused before leaving the closet.

“If you don’t have things set by this weekend, I’ll do it myself. I’ve had it with this arrangement. I’m not getting anything out of it, and here you are, getting everything. Don’t forget where you started and who took out your competition. You wouldn’t be shit without me. Remember that!”

I didn’t stick around to see if he said more. I’d heard enough.

“Caretoexplainwhyyou dragged me out of bed and brought me to a motorcycle club meeting?” Gemma asked as she rubbed her eyes. She was still in her pajamas, so I asked Eli’s daughter to get her a hoodie.

“It’s mine so it’ll be big on you,” Emilia said as she handed Gemma a gray hoodie and smiled slightly. She was tall and curvy, and Gemma was petite.

“It’s perfect. Thank you so much,” Gemma smiled as she slid it on. It almost hit her knees, which I was grateful for. I didn’t want to bring my sister and my girl to a place full of horny bikers, but I needed to tell everyone about what I heard at the club, and I didn’t trust leaving the girls home alone.

“Why don’t you head to bed, Emilia,” Eli suggested as he put his arm around his daughter. She sighed and left the room, and Eli smiled at us. “Not that I’m not happy to have you all here, but I think my guys would feel better knowing the entire story.”

All the Sinners sat in the main room of the clubhouse–spread out among couches and booths and up at the bar. Gemma, Dani, and Theo were at the bar, waiting to hear all the gritty details, so I told them everything.

“That motherfucker has been trying to get us to attack your family,” Bash said, anger lacing his tone.

“It’s what we suspected,” Rand said with a sigh. “But now we know. Dante wanted to infiltrate Fremont by using Dani to get information from Bash. He’s been planting seeds against the MC to keep us at odds. It’s a good idea, but he didn’t do enough research.”

“He’s never been good at the long game,” Dani lamented.

“When are you gonna tell Dad?” Gemma asked, tears in her eyes. “I’m scared, Kane. He tried to kill Bobby.”

I wrapped my arms around my sister and held her close. “I know, Gem. I’m not gonna let that piece of shit hurt you.”

“I think we should wait to tell Gio until the masquerade ball. If Dante has plans for Saturday, then we will be safe waiting until then. That will give us time to look around on his computer. We’ll also have the most backup. Right now, half of our guys are out on a run. Dominguez will help us too, but he’ll need some lead time.”

“I’d rather just shoot him and get it over with,” Dani muttered under her breath. Bash put his hand on her knee and a growl crawled up my chest. He laughed and patted my shoulder in that patronizing way he was so good at.

“There’s also the question ofwho. Who he’s working with. Do we have any leads on that?” Eli asked the room.

“Well…” I began, looking at Eli. “Who have you met with lately? Who’s been dropping hints that my dad’s coming for you?”

“Fuck,” he breathed, rubbing his temples with his fingers. He looked up at Rand. “Someone did stop by here last week, poking around, dropping some information. I didn’t think much of it because I knew it was bullshit and rumors have been flying for weeks.”

“Who was it?” Bash asked what we were all thinking.

“The chief of police. Isaac Arlington.”

Chapter 42


Kane’scockwashardbeneath his jeans. I was still wearing my sweats, having been pulled from his bed and brought to the Sinners’ clubhouse around midnight. I was sitting on his lap in their common room, stroking his dark hair, taking in his handsome face.

Finn was talking to me about my plan to take down Lauren, but I was distracted by the solid length beneath my ass. Kane grinned, knowing he was making me crazy.

“Do you want to talk about it tomorrow?” Finn asked, garnering my attention.

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic