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But one thing I would never do when it came to him–I wouldn’t back down. Ever.

“I shot him. We got it covered, Dante,” Kane spat. He wasn’t a fan of Dante Dutton and he made that clear during every interaction.

Dad scoffed and turned to leave. “Make sure everything gets cleaned up.”

He left but Dom stayed with me and Kane. Kane was seething, clenching his jaw.

“The fuck happened?” My brother asked, looking from Kane to the dead guy on the couch.

“He was getting a little handsy. Didn’t want to wait for Dani to drug him,” Kane lied, shrugging his shoulder and staring at me, daring me to call him out on it.

“Oh. I’ll take care of it,” Dom said, relaxing his shoulders and turning to me. “Go put some fucking clothes on.”

I rolled my eyes and brushed past him to the cabinets that lined the wall. I opened one and pulled out a black hoodie, tossing it on over my corset. Thankfully, it was long enough to cover my bare ass. “You say that like Iwantto wear this shit in public.”

“You seem pretty comfortable in it.”

“Fuck you,” I laughed, flipping him my middle finger. Dom hated what I did, but like everyone else, he kept his mouth shut because our father would punish him for falling out of line. “At least it’s only ten o’clock. I have time to get home and hang with Gemma. Can one of you assholes give me a ride?”

“It’ll have to be Kane. I’m fighting tonight down at The Court,” Dominic said. He and his best friend Xavier spent most of their free time at a fight ring they built just outside of Castle Grove. It was my brother’s escape. After dealing with Dad all day, he needed something to release his pent-up energy.

“Will you?” I asked Kane, standing only inches from him.

He was hot. Capital H-O-T. And I didn’t even like that term.

Wearing jeans and a tight black t-shirt, tattoos slithered down his thick arms, and his dark hair looked way too silky to be natural. His thick, dark eyelashes lay atop golden eyes that threatened to consume me as they bounced around my face.

I swallowed the lump in my throat waiting for his response. It was like he could see my thoughts, knowing he was making me crazy lately.

Why does he have to be such an asshole? Maybe I could just fuck him once and get it out of my system.

“Fine. But I’m not waiting for you to shower that fuckface’s blood off. Theo and Noah are waiting for me.”

Never mind.

“Of course they are.”

Kane’s friends were basically extensions of him–they were always around. Kane’s house–it was actually a mansion–was the place where everyone congregated, and the top level was Kane’s domain. It was like a glorified bachelor pad, complete with a bar, pool table, theater setup, sound system. There was even a separate entrance from the garage so no one disturbed Kane’s parents when they came and went.

He was spoiled as hell.

And almost every weekend, the three of them threw parties until the wee hours of the morning.

I had to be in a certain mood to participate. Kane rarely let Gemma be around that bullshit, so we weren’t usually included in the festivities. Sometimes we went up there anyway, but if Kane had his panties in a wad, he wasn’t above throwing his sister out. He didn’t want her to be corrupted like us.

“We’re not having a party tonight. Just hanging out,” Kane said as we walked down the hallway to the private elevator. “But I should warn you, Theo’s on the prowl.”

“Fuck,” I muttered. Never should’ve hooked up with him this summer. I knew it was a bad idea, but I was irritated that Kane was on a date with that dingbat Lauren after what she did to Bobby, and I was bored, and Theo was there, and we were high. So it happened.

Big fucking mistake.

The worst part was I didn’t even remember it. I woke up the next morning in bed with himsans pants.

“Never should’ve fucked him,” Kane said, reading my mind. He leaned up against the wall of the elevator, his eyes trailing down my body.

“I know. I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

“You use that excuse a lot.”

Tags: Danielle Renee Erotic