Page 5 of Masked Kisses

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“That’s a cynical way of looking at things,” I say, chuckling.

“It’s not. It’s just honest.” I watch as she pulls the covers down and crawls under them this time. She brings the blankets all the way up to her chin and closes her eyes.

“Rest, Scarlett. I’ll wait for Benjamin and then bring you some ginger ale.”

“Thank you.”

I stay and take care of her for the rest of the afternoon, but then I know it’s time to go when an alarm goes off on her phone. It’s six o’clock at night, and immediately I get jealous because my mind goes right to her getting ready for a date with someone who isn’t me, and I don’t fucking like that one bit.

“Thank you for your help today. I’ll pay you back for the groceries.”

“Don’t even think about it,” I tell her.

“Well, thanks again,”

“Don’t forget you promised to call me if you feel sick again.”

I stand and make my way toward the door.

I don’t know how much more of this I can take.



“Don’t forgetyou promised to call me if you feel sick again.” I nod my head, getting dizzy from his behavior. Who is this man? “I can’t hear you, Scarlett.” Oh boy. His bossy tone feels different in my apartment, and I am reacting to it. This is freaky stuff.

“Yes, Sam.” It feels so weird not calling him by his last name. “I promise I will call you if I need you. And yes, I know I cannot come to work tomorrow.” I repeat everything he has said to me, hoping he will leave. He hasn’t been unbearable. Actually, the opposite. He has been sweet and attentive, dare I say a bit possessive and demanding. I could get used to it. Read more into it; that would not be good for him or me. So, I need him to leave.

“Are you in a hurry to get rid of me?” He asks, smirking. His thumb brushes against my cheek, and I barely stop myself from leaning into him.

“I-I have a phone call date.” It is my day to talk to the girls.

“A date?” He growls, his grip tightening on my arm. “Who the fuck is it?” I step back, sort of confused and a bit more turned on than I want to admit about his blatant jealousy.

“It is really none of your business, but it is a phone call between me and my best friends." I don’t know why I feel the need to soothe his ire, but I do it. He visibly releases and then walks to the door.

“Enjoy your call, Scarlett.” As soon as he is out and the door is locked, I am leaning against it, breathing hard, trying to stop the shivers going through me. Holy crap! What was that? Why was he so jealous and handsy, and why did I like it? My tea kettle goes off at the same time as my phone. Running, I grab the phone first.

“Hi, ladies.”

“Scarlett. How’s it going? Are you feeling better?” Jinny asks.

“Uh yeah. How are all of you?” Great job changing the subject. I scold myself because we tell each other everything, but here I am, trying my best to keep it to myself. I listen while the other girls take and give updates about their lives. I am so busy pouring the ginger tea Sam ordered and delivered to me this afternoon that I apparently miss them calling my name until Sassy blows a whistle on the phone. “Ouch. Hey! What was that for?” I ask, sipping the tea.

“We have been calling your name for minutes and you have been zoned out. What is going on, Scarlett?” Shoot. Now I have two options. I can lie or just tell them. “Scarlett. Seriously. We are worried about you.” And now I feel guilty. Oh well. Here goes.

“So, do you remember that New Year's Eve masquerade ball I went to?” Everyone nods their heads. “What I didn’t tell you ladies is that I met a man, and we slept together.”

“What!? You slept with him? Holy shit Scarlett! Good for you girl.” They all have various forms of support.

“Yeah, well, it felt good, that’s for sure. But now… umm… I’m pregnant.” There is silence. Crickets.

“Wow.” Comes from Hope. “So that is why you have been sick. Why didn't you tell us, Scar?” I knew they were going to ask that. I have asked myself that for weeks, but I know the answer.

“I was ashamed. I still am. I slept with a man I don’t know and now I am having a baby. Alone.” The tears come within seconds, and I am on the phone, balling my eyes out to my friends.

“You are never alone, Scarlett,” Summer says. Her genuine smile, the same as the rest, makes tears fall down my face.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance