Page 3 of Masked Kisses

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I pump my hips into her a few more times and then pull out of her. She cries out again at the loss. I lie down beside her and pull her close to me.

“I don’t know what to do now,” she says.

“Just sleep.”

“I should go,” she says, that shy girl from work returning.

“Rest, Red,” I say, grabbing her hand and lacing my fingers with hers.

“Your cock is still hard,” she says, surprising the hell out of me. Cock is a filthy word coming from her, and said cock just got a little bit harder at hearing that. Then she surprises me again when her tiny fingers wrap around my shaft, and I am about to die. She jerks my cock, until I can’t take it anymore.

“Are you sore?”

“No,” she says, shaking her head.

Grinning, I lift her up and sit her on my lap. I guide my cock into her pussy, watching it disappear, inch by inch. Fuck…. She moans loudly as we become one. Her head is tossed back, and her hair teases my thighs.

“Don’t stop, Please don’t stop,” she begs as I grip her hips, guiding her as she rides me. I strum her clit with my thumb until she comes again. I wanted to make this time last, but my need for her is just too strong. Rearing up, I suck on her nipple as I fill her again.

Fuck. If I was gone for her before, now it’s even worse. No matter what it takes, I’ll make her my wife. As soon as fucking possible. She climbs off of me and drops down on the bed beside me. We are both breathing heavily. No words are needed now. I’ve never been as happy as I am now, though. Trust me.

I don’t remember falling asleep, but when I woke up, she was gone.

Good fucking thing I know where to find her, and by God, do I have plans for her.

On Tuesday, she comes into work, looking like the world's sexiest librarian. She flips on the light at her desk and puts her purse into the drawer, giving me the perfect view of her ass as she bends down. Then she sits at her desk, beginning her day. The cameras I have out there are supposed to be for our protection, but all I do is use them to stare at her. All damn day, when I should be working.

“You have a conference call with Tokoyo in eight minutes, sir. I’ll patch it through,” she says after setting my coffee down on my desk.

“Thank you, Scarlett.”

“You’re welcome, sir.”

I should have told her right then and there, but now I want her to fall in love with me. I don’t want to be a one-night mistake for her. I don’t want her to hate me when she finds out what I did. I really didn’t think past my cock on this one. I’ll make it up to her, I swear it.



Oh,God. This sucks balls. The sound of more vomit hitting the toilet does nothing but make my stomach turn more, and then more comes out. It is like a never-ending cycle. I feel like Vince Vaughn onFour Christmaseswhen he says, “Imma do it too.” Only I can’t take the source of the offending action away because it is me. Well, me and the invader in my belly. Yep. I am pregnant. One freaking night of being someone else, and poof, consequences. Just my luck.

When I feel like I can stand and maybe be normal for a second, I wobble to the sink, wash my face, and brush my teeth. “Whoa!” I grip the sink and try to steady myself. I am so dang dizzy, but what do you expect when everything you eat flies right out of your mouth?

Grabbing a brush, I attempt to brush my hair and make myself look normal, so I can try to get to work on time. My complexion is absolutely ghastly lately, and I have been applying way too much foundation to hide it. The truth is, the vomiting is ruthless and supremely unlikable, but I am also not sleeping. How could I? Whenever my mind goes over how in the hell I wound up in this situation, I feel ashamed and stupid. I told myself this would not be happening to me, but here I am. Just like my mom.

My entire name is Scarlett Sunrise Moonblood. Yeah, you heard me. My mom was a forever hippie named Sacred Star Moonblood. I don’t know if it was her birth name, but it is the name I grew up knowing her by. I never knew my father. My mom simply referred to him as Joe Spirit. I grew up with my mom, moving from one hippie commune to another, dragging me behind her. I watched her take one lover, then three, then six before she found Gillespie, and we settled in a house. That was the first time I went to school, at ten years old. It was then I learned the life we led wasn’t normal, and neither was she.

When I was sixteen, my stepfather died, and my mother fell back into her old habits. So, when I turned eighteen, I walked away from her and never looked back. I put myself through college with loans and jobs, met my six best friends, and never looked back. I stayed a virgin to stop myself from ending up like my mom, alone with a child, depending on a man to make me happy and take care of me. “A fat lot of good that did me, huh, alien?” I rub my non-existent belly before getting dressed.

Walking out the door, I know I should eat, but I am too scared to, so I don’t. The car ride is plagued with fear now that it hit me. See, I have known about the baby for about two weeks, but I was feeling fine, and nothing had changed, so I could ignore it. Then, the floodgates opened Saturday morning, and all hell broke loose. I have been trying to cope all weekend and find a solution or something to help, so I can make it through work without anyone finding out. Nothing has worked. Crackers, ginger ale, nothing. The thing is, I don’t know how my boss would react to this. This will undoubtedly interfere with my job, and right now, I cannot afford to lose it. So yeah. I am terrified.

“Shoot!” I look at the clock and realize I am late for the first time ever. “No. No. No.” I call out when I hit another red light. Oh my God. I can’t believe this. Hurriedly, I turn the corner and hand my keys to the valet. Sprinting to the elevator, I hit the button for the top floor over and over like that is going to make a difference. Never mind that there are two of everything because I ran to the building, and now I am dizzier than ever. “Not now. Mama needs a break for a few hours.” I whisper to my belly, hoping like hell the baby understands me.

The elevator opens, and I power walk to my desk. Five minutes late is not so bad. Right? “Miss Moonblood. My office.” Okay. I guess I was wrong. I cringe at the use of my last name so loudly, and with the tone he is currently using. Sagging my shoulders, I drop my purse at my desk and walk into his office. “Shut the door, please.” Turning, I try to discreetly wipe my face before turning back around. “You are five minutes late.” Yep. I know.

“Yes, Sir. I am so sorry. I was… I was..” I am trying to explain when I feel like I am going to faint. I feel myself teeter a bit; then, suddenly, he is at my side. I feel myself moving, but I can only focus on not hitting the floor. Then, he sits, and I realize I am on his lap. Wiggling, I try to get down, but he tightens his hold.

“Please stop moving.” He demands in his grouchy voice. But there is something else in it. I stop, not sure what the hell to do right now. “Thank you. Now tell me, are you ill?” I nod my head slowly, not looking at him. “May I ask why you came here then? You should have told me you were not feeling well so I could have taken care of you.” He says the last part so low I think I misheard him. I turn to look into his eyes, and they are soft. Softer than normal, but the clinching of his jaw says something else entirely.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance