Page 13 of Masked Kisses

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“Is that really what is on your mind, precious?” My eyes snap to his, wondering if he can really see it in my eyes. “Scarlett?” I don’t want to look at him, so I change the subject.

“Do we have any more of the french toast your aunt dropped off yesterday?” He chuckles before walking over to the fridge and placing them in the toaster oven. I am so lost in my head; I miss him walking over to me. His hands spin the stool around, and I am suddenly facing him. His finger lifts my chin, and I look at him, tears rolling down my face, terrified of what he is going to think when I tell him, but I know this can’t continue any longer.

“Baby, your tears are leaking poison into my veins. I never wanted to see tears in your eyes. Talk to me,” he pleads, wiping each tear as it falls. This is going to kill me. I know it. But I have to be honest. Holding it in is killing me more. My hand goes to my stomach as I say a silent apology to my baby. Praying his father still wants us when I tell him the truth. Here goes nothing.



“Baby,your tears are leaking poison into my veins. I never wanted to see tears in your eyes. Talk to me,” I beg her. I am really freaking the fuck out here. “Is something wrong? With you or the baby. Say something. Anything.” I demand. I wipe away her tears just as fast as they fall from her bloodshot hazel eyes.

“I don’t know where to start,” she says, putting me instantly on alert, so much so that the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

“Let’s try the beginning,” I tell her, taking her hands in mine.

“Do you remember the masked ball?” she asks, and I know that she knows. She knows I’m the one who got her pregnant.

“Of course I do.” I’m going to tell her everything that’s been building since the moment I met her.

“I… we… I mean, we danced and drank, and we went up to a hotel room and had sex. I don’t know how it happended, but I saw your tattoo that night and again last night. Oh, Sam. I’m so sorry.”

“What are you sorry for?”

“This little invader…” she begins, but I cut her off.

“Invader?” I question, my eyebrow raised.

“The baby. The baby isn’t just my baby, it’s our baby.”

“Hush, Red. I know that already.”

“Wait… what? How?”

“Scarlett, I have a confession to make.”

“You do?” she asks, more confused than ever now.

“I love you. I am in love with you.”

“You can’t be in love with me, Sam. We barely know each other outside of work.”

“Scarlett Moonblood, I know you, better than you think I do. From the moment I met you, I wanted you. You were quiet and painfully shy, but I saw through that to the heart of you. Your self-reliant, trustworthy, and have a heart of gold. You know what I need before I do. You read romance novels while you eat lunch in the breakroom. I read one over your shoulder last week, and even I blushed. You horde Twizzlers, just in case they are suddenly out of stock again. You organize your paper clips by color. Hell, you even organize mine that way.” She gives me a watery smile.

“Why didn’t you ever say anything?” she asks.

“I couldn’t, baby. First was the HR nightmare of it all. I literally only hired you because I wanted you. I didn’t even read your resume, but once I hired you, I knew you were perfect for the job and more than qualified. Secondly, you were shy and skittish, I didn’t want you to run away from me. I knew if I waited long enough, you’d be mine. If you knew how often I thought of fucking you on my desk, or the couch, or floor, my car, your car. You get the idea. I haven’t for one second stopped thinking about you or dreaming about you.”

“That still doesn’t explain how you knew it was me at the ball,” she says.

I reach up and touch her cheek.

“I set it up. I’ve never thrown a fucking ball before, Scarlett. When you walked into the room, with that sinful red dress on, I knew it was you immediately. You found your way to me and it all went according to plan.”

“You tricked me and let me think I gave my virginity to a stranger, Sam. I should be mad at you, but for some reason, I’m not. I can’t be,” she says, surprising me. I’d bet anything that the reason is love.

“I am sorry for that but I wanted you too badly to think straight. I definately could have done that better, but you have me all fucked up, Scar. Please tell me that you understand and I haven’t fucked this up too. I love you and love this little invader too. Hell, I want at least five more.”

“You do? I thought this was an accident.”

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance