Page 10 of Masked Kisses

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“I see. Can I ask why you haven’t told Samuel?” Oh God, panic starts rising in my throat. Why didn’t it hit me until right now that her loyalty is to him? I should have said nothing. Scrambling from the seat, I begin gathering my phone and purse, ready to flee. “Scarlett, darling, I am not going to say anything. Please calm down. I was just wondering because he is extremely understanding and compassionate.”

“I know that,” I tell her, trying to calm down so my stomach does not turn on me. “He has been amazing and I could easily let him take care of me. But what happens when he finds out I am pregnant? I am worried about my job. If I decide to keep this baby, I need my job. I have been sick and it has interfered with my job. What if finding out the reason why, makes him realize it is not going to get better?” She nods her head and walks towards me.

“I see. I understand your hesitance. But, sweet girl, whether you keep the baby or not, he is going to find out when you start to show. My advice would be to tell him so he doesn’t find out another way. Okay?” Well heck. She is right. I have been so worried about right now that I haven't thought about the future much. Pulling me into a hug, she kisses my cheek and moves me back. “Everything will be alright, sweet girl. I promise.” From her lips to God’s ears.

She walks out of the door, and I continue standing there clutching my stuff, unsure which way to go yet. I know she is right. I need to tell him, but I am scared. The last few days have been confusing but amazing. I haven’t been as worried. There has been someone else looking after me for once. I have been able to sleep and relax. Albeit for short timeframes before the truth sinks in, still, it felt wonderful. But let’s be honest. Once he finds out about the baby, what are the odds he will stay this protective and attentive? I guess it doesn’t matter. I was always going to end up alone.Knock. Knock.I hear his taps on the door and take a deep breath. I guess now is as good a time as any.



Finally,my bedroom door opens, and Aunt Pen comes out. Alone.

“What did you guys talk about?” I demand as soon as she shuts the door behind her.

“You’re going to have to talk to Scarlett, Sammy. I promised her I wouldn’t say a thing.”

“Why would you do a thing like that?” I ask, shocked. She’s always been on my side.

“Because it’s not my place, and if I find out you’ve fucked this up, I’m going to beat your ass.”

“I’m a grown man, Aunt Pen.”

“Not that grown,” she says, laughing as she walks out the door. I shake my head at her nonsense. She’s always been the cool aunt, the life of the party, but then again, I never gave her a reason to have to be the disciplinarian.

I grab Scarlett a ginger ale from the kitchen and then I knock on the door and wait for her to acknowledge me.

“Come in,” her sweet voice finally says. As soon as I open the door, the first thing I notice is her sitting on my bed with her legs crossed, but she’s wearing my Miami Dolphins jersey… and nothing fucking else, at least that I can see. Her dress is draped over the back the chair in the corner.

“What’s going on?” I ask her, sitting on the bed beside her. I hand her the ginger ale which she sips slowly.

“Thank you. I don’t know if I’m ready to tell you or nor.”

“I’d like for you to tell me. You can tell me anything, Scarlett,” I say, grabbing her free hand.

She thinks for a minute, takes another sip of ginger ale, and then takes a deep breath.

“I’m pregnant,” she says softly. Fuck yeah, I tell myself. I was right. I know this is my moment to tell her everything but I can’t. Not until she’s so fucking in love with me that the things I did don’t matter. Game on.

“That certainly explains things,” I say, squeezing her hand.

“You’re not mad?”


“Like you’re not going to fire me?”

“Well, no. First of all, I am pretty sure that’s entirely illegal, not to mention, I’d never fire you. You’re the best assistant I’ve ever had.

“You don’t have any follow up questions? You don’t want to know who the father is?” she blurts out. I smile. I already fucking know who the father is.

“No, Scarlett. I’m not concerned about that at all. Are you healthy? Is your baby healthy?” I ask.

“Yes, we’re both fine.”

“Then that’s all that matters,” I say.

“Is it? What if I had a boyfriend waiting for me at home?”

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance