Page 89 of Wilt

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Not now.

“Get to the fucking point, Rush. Is it working?”

He ignores me. “I saw you change when you thought of her, spoke about her. You like her more than you want to admit and that makes this dangerous.”

“I let her go, Rush. My plan is everything. Wanting to fuck her doesn’t mean I’m about to be her knight in shining armor. I’m not a hero. I’m a monster. I don’t let anything get in the way of my plans, especially a girl.”

He breathes out. “If you say so.”

“I do.”

Rush nods and then shows me his phone. There’s a little dot traveling on a map.


It’s why she needed to go, why she’s so damn integral in my new plan.

My plan for my revenge is, as I said, going to be slow and brutal. For that, I need Rose to unwittingly lead me into Derek Finnegan’s secret lair, his safe and secret compound.

He could hide out for years, making cowardly strikes, amassing his fortune and running his businesses remotely.

I know that’s going to happen.

Cowards always stay cowards.

So, I had a tracker sewn into the button of my shirt, which she’s wearing. To be safe, I slid a pretty pin in her hair while she slept with a tracker in the setting of the small jewel. There’s one in her bracelet, too. I left that on.

She’ll try and keep the shirt. She’ll definitely keep the bracelet. If he takes it because I gave it to her, the pin is something she will hide and keep. Rose is a fighter, and she’ll want something of me, of our time together.

A strange sort of comfort.

I’m in her blood now.

She’ll be able to lead me through the trackers to where her father is. When they get there, I’ll start my revenge plan. The real one.

I’m going to destroy him. Just like I said.

And Rose?

Well, maybe I’ll take her as part of the spoils. It probably isn’t my smartest move, but I’ve gown quite fond of her and our time together.

Yes. I’ll have her again.

After all, she is mine.

My Rose.

My beautiful little flower with delicate petals and sharpened thorns.

Tags: Brooke Harper Romance