Page 86 of Forbidden

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“Then I’ll see you in hell.”

The phone falls, and we lose sound.

Rainey’s head drops, and I take the handcuff keys from my pocket. Standing, I unlock the bracelet from her wrist and let it fall, and she lifts her eyes to mine. I take off my glasses, and she’s in my arms.

I press my lips to the side of her head, holding her close as her body tenses and trembles. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.”

“She’s always hated me, and now she’s going to win.”

With one last squeeze, I release her, meeting her eyes. “She’s not going to win, because I’m going to stop her.”

“There’s no time!”

“Just leave it to me.” Grabbing my phone, I call Louie as I watch my partner stagger through the door to where my brother is still unconscious in the small, black room.

Scar’s hands are still bound, but he quickly pulls the zip tie tighter then breaks it apart, freeing himself. Next, he lifts Hutch to sitting against the wall.

“Louie?” Louie Jackson is a sergeant on the Brooklyn PD, and he’s one of my brother’s friends from before he started the private investigation firm, from when he’d just left the Marines.

“Dirk, what’s happening?” His voice is urgent.

“I need you to go to Gibson’s. Natasha has Hutch and Scar captive, and she just said she’s planning to burn the place to the ground.”

“She said that to you?” Louie’s voice goes loud.

“No, I have it on video. Give me two seconds, and I’ll send it to you now.”

Silence fills the line while I type on the keyboard, sending the recording, and Rainey paces the small room, arms crossed over her waist.

“I’ve located a private jet. It’ll take me a few hours, so you’ve got to get over there now and get them out. Gibson’s is underground. Firefighters won’t know it’s burning until the smoke reaches the ground level, and by then the whole place will be an inferno. It’s a tinder box as it is.”

“I’ll need to obtain a search warrant. Believe it or not, police can’t simply storm into a private club without a reason.”

Anger tightens my forehead. “I just sent you the reason. It’s an immediate threat.”

“That you obtained by listening on an unauthorized device.”

“Jesus Christ…” I’m one breath from shouting. “We don’t have time, Louie!”

“Trust me, I’m moving this as fast as I can. I’m putting the fire department on alert so they’ll be there. I’ve got to follow the rules if we’re going to make this stick, but I’ll call in some favors.”

“I’m on my way.” Disconnecting, I shove my phone in my pocket and reach behind the books on the bookcase to take a gun out of Scar’s lockbox.

Rainey’s phone is inside as well, and I hand it to her. She powers it on, and it immediately begins vibrating with text alerts, all of which she dismisses.

“Take me with you.” She catches my arm. “I know where everything is. I know the back entrances. I can help you.”

Placing my hands on her shoulders, I look into her blue eyes. I remember her words about us working together to bring justice, and warmth unfurls in my chest as I realize I want that too. I want her on my team, and I want to be on hers.

“You can help me by staying here. I don’t know what Natasha has up her sleeve, and I need someone to be with Hana, just in case.”

“You think she might try to hurt her?” Rainey’s eyes widen.

“I don’t know, but I do know Hana’s as mixed up in all this as Scar. I also know he’d murder me if I saved him and left her unprotected. I don’t know who we can trust in all this.”

“You can trust me.” Her tone is fierce, and her eyes hold mine. “I’ll never lie to you again.”

Reaching out, I cup her face in my hand, then without hesitation, I lean down to seal her lips with mine.

Tags: Tia Louise Romance